Donald Trump, real-estate mogul and GOP presidential candidate (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
The last several days have seen a flurry of high profile undocumented activists drawing lines in the sand as to which Democratic contender will be the one to get the DREAMer backing in the upcoming presidential election. Prominent DREAMers from both the Clinton and Sanders camps have sniped at each other via Twitter regarding the level of undocumented engagement both candidates have had in their campaigning ranks, and reporters starved for a story have been fueling the feud.
Difference btw showcasing "Dreamers" & organizing w/ "Dreamers"? 1 will get you a press hit, other 1 will build political power #FeelTheBern
— Erika Andiola (@ErikaAndiola) February 3, 2016
Who is showcasing DREAMers, and who is organizing and working with DREAMers? Which candidate has a history of caring and working for undocumented communities, and which candidate has supported deportations? Who has flip-flopped on issues relating to immigration, how often, and which stance has resulted in more deportations?
The jury is still out on these questions, though unlike the Democratic caucus in Iowa, this isn’t something that can be decided by a coin toss. The work, voting record and public rhetoric of each candidate should speak for itself.
Or should it?
As the DREAMer population continues to skyrocket on the Democratic side of the party line, I’ve yet to see a single DREAMer activist endorse the platform of any Republican candidate. This may sound like common sense, as Donald Trump has been the antithesis of progress and intelligence, and Ted Cruz is an all-out egomaniac with the appeal of an axe murderer.
But while many high-profile DREAMers squabble about Democratic endorsements, I can’t help but wonder how terrible their memories are.
After all, we’re still living under the presidency of Barack Obama, the twice-champion Democratic candidate who has deported more people than any president in U.S. history, and who has beefed up border security to heights the Republican Party only dreamed of. Republicans hate him because he proved to be more effective and efficient than they could have ever hoped to be, all while flying below the radar of Latino questioning. Yes, he’s been called out and interrupted by immigration activists over the years while making appearances here and there. And yes, he signed an executive order for DACA in 2012, but only after undocumented activists forced his hand by taking over several of his presidential campaign offices. But despite the horrid immigration legacy this eight-year presidency will leave etched in American history books, Democrats continue to operate under the assumed support of immigrant-rights activists and groups—all because they’re trusting that we’re happy to choose the lesser evil.
If you ask me, President Obama has made it clear that Democrats are not to be trusted. He promised to pass immigration reform in the first year of his presidency.
All that he has to show for this promise now are over two and a half million deportations and more Border Patrol agents on the U.S.-Mexico border than there are soldiers in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (the most militarily fortified border in the world). We got drones, immigrant detention centers in many states, the whole shebang! Obama even started off 2016 by rounding up Central American refugees and deporting them.
This is why I, in good conscience, cannot trust anything that Bernie Sanders says about immigration, much less Hillary Clinton. The fact that DREAMers are feuding about which Democratic candidate to support is quite silly to me.
Which is why I’m officially and publicly endorsing Donald Trump for president. #DonaldTrump2016
Now, before DREAMer butterfly wings get all riled up, let me be clear. I’m not saying that Mr. Trump is best for our communities. I’m saying that Trump will make a great president because he will make the United States honest for once. Trump’s followers are agonizing about feeling like hostages in their own country because they cannot speak their minds out of fear of being targeted for not being politically correct. Trump, by example, is offering an opportunity for these folks to come out of the woodwork and backwoods, and openly participate in this country’s true favorite national pastimes: racism, homophobia, misogyny and exclusion.
I’m with John Lennon on this one: I want a candidate who’ll “Gimme Some Truth.”
And Donald Trump, as crazy as he sounds, is giving me all the truth I can handle. All his cards are out on the table. If elected to lead this nation, I know I can take Trump’s words and promises, as much as I hate them, to the bank. No double talk. I wholeheartedly trust that he will keep all his promises to all the women, undocus and people of color of this nation. I will know exactly what to look forward to—I’ll know exactly who I’m fighting. Donald Trump, as president, has the potential to unite social justice groups who have splintered from each other and remind us to hold together. Nothing unites people like a common enemy.
Relying on Democrats to do right by immigrant-rights activists and the undocumented community is akin to trusting Judas not to turn Jesus over to the Romans. If we’re going to dance with the devil, we might as well know who we’re lighting the night on fire with.
One final note: The only reason I defaulted to support Donald Trump instead of Ted Cruz is because Mr. Cruz was born in Canada. And he knows the rules, as much as he’s trying to challenge the constitutional dictations of who is eligible to be president. That Cuban Canadian will never be president, much to my own morbid lamentation.
Jesús Iñiguez is a former DREAMer who has returned to his “illegal alien” roots. He’s not exactly “high-profile,” so who cares about his bio.
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