Boricuas For a Positive Image Enters 5th Week of ABC Protest: They Say They Will Only Get Stronger

Feb 5, 2012
4:00 PM

Most of the online world has moved on after the Work It "Puerto Rican Drug Dealer" fiasco helped to cause the show's cancelation after only two episodes. Yet, the grassroots group Boricuas For a Positive Image continues to demonstrate every Thursday night in front of ABC's New York headquarters.

It appears that even if BFPI is the only group that is asking to meet with ABC and discuss how the network can move forward with the Puerto Rican community, they will eventually achieve their goal. On a side note, ABC recently announced a development deal with adopted Redeble John Leguizamo. Who know where that goes? But in the meantime, BFPI shows no signs of stopping, as reports:

5th. Protest At ABC! – Where Are We?

For the 5th consecutive week we had a very well organized and vibrant Demo in front of ABC yesterday. Again it was unexpected. It was obvious that the security personnel were not expecting anyone to show. Same with the NYPD. AS A RESULT WE SURPRISED EVERYONE & you should have seen the reaction when we began the chants with 5 then 10, eventually close to another 100 folks.

It’s obvious that while some think this issue is over (that is what ABC executives believe) this is not the reality. The National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) has tried unsuccessfully to convince execs of ABC that this is not a movement that has gone away simply because the show was canceled and they too have found it difficult to get the message across. ABC no respeta a nadie en nuestra comunidad.

This incorrect view from ABC and others plus the fact that we have been ignored by much of the mainstream media would give the impression that we are a void onto ourselves, or like one reporter friend told me. “this issue in not important.” Something that could be no further from the truth. The mere fact that over 100 and up to 200, majority Boricuas have been demonstrating every week under all weather conditions and that is not news is incredible!

What none of these folks understand is that slowly this movement is touching the hearts & minds of Boricuas & others who once they are made aware of the facts are agreeing with us? Just like the many non-Latinos that walk by 66th St. while we are demonstrating and ask us about the issue and leave giving us the “thumbs up,” or the number of truck drivers that honk their horns when they drive by reading out signs.

This can also be seen from the emails & comments we get plus the new faces we have seen in the 5 demonstrations. Young, senior, male, female, labor & religious. I personally like going to an activity for our community and not seeing the same people all the time.

Bottom line is that this movement has touched a nerve. Particularly in the Puerto Rican community. A nerve that appears to bother and create discomfort for some. Why? We can speculate all we want, but something to consider is that Boricuas being the second largest Latino sector in the USA (4.7 million) and attached (directly or indirectly) with another 3.7 million on an island (that is another political issue onto itself) makes a very dangerous brew if united on anything. There are many people including among our own that would prefer that our community be “undisturbed.” Why wake up a community that has so much to scream about. Just look at any statistic regarding the Puerto Rican community and if that does not affect you, or get you pissed you are not paying attention.

As such we are asking all of you to join us in re-doubling your efforts to show that our community is very much alive and ready to defend ourselves when insulted, or attacked. Please continue to Send notices to all your contacts, family members, neighbors. Invite some members of Boricuas For A Positive Image (BFPI) to talk at your meetings, or  schools. Bring up the issue in any meeting from Tenants Association, to union delegate meetings. Help us expand the information that is growing. Inform your friends through your Facebook page, Twitter, YouTube, etc. If you have contacts in another city, or state, let them know what is happening here in NYC. If you have still not called ABC, please do and tell them that they need to apologize and meet with our community.

Soon we will be meeting to discuss ways to move this struggle to its next level. We will share this information with everyone via this page. If you have any ideas, or comments that could help build this struggle please write a comment at and we will read it.

While many think this struggle is dying, or over they don’t understand that in reality it has not really begun. This might be the year of the Dragon, but this Pitirre is about to hit the eagle hard.

1 Hour For Boricua/Latino Pride & Respect!

Thursdays 5:30 to 6:30 PM 66th St. & Columbus. Come bring your family, come bring your class you will feel great upon leaving.