You’re kidding us, right? If you click on the following link from the Facebook page of the Conservative Veterans for America, you are greeted with this:
Yeah, this whole anti-immigration reform thing has NOTHING to do with the Fear of a Latino Nation. There is no doubt: Racism is thriving on social media.
According the page’s ABOUT section, CVA has some rules:
Founded by David R. Wilson , for those who love this Country, our Flag, our Constitution, and our American Way of life. . PLEASE CLICK LIKE ! You can also follow us on Twitter @ConvetAmerica
To share information and allow others the platform to have a voice in sharing their views, providing they are in compliance with page description below. It is also our mission to entertain when possible.Description
You need not be a Veteran to post, comment, or like on this page, Your participation is wanted and encouraged. Profanity may cause you to be deleted and banned from this page.
If you like this page please feel free to recommend it to your friends.I must reiterate, NO PROFANITY!. The first time, your post will be deleted. If you do it again, your post will be deleted and you will be banned from this page, even if I agree with your post.
Finally, as you must gather, since this is a Conservative page, Left wing drivel and Atheistic comments will be deleted and banned without recourse.
We are wondering if we should let Mr. Wilson know about Private First Class Silvestre Santana Herrera, a WWII Medal of Honor recipient who fought as an undocumented individual. Or what about the veterans who fought in Vietnam and were undocumented? Yes, that would be Alfred Rascón, a Medal of Honor recipient who served in Vietnam.
Yo, David R. Wilson, we won’t “violate” your profanity rule on your Facebook page, but since this is our page, you can take your racist crap and shove it. A special video for you:
Could one of you please define the word “Legal”. Thank you.
@Pete Hommes Legal: Not against the law. Simple.
So the opposite of legal would then be “against the law”. So some one who does not follow the written and established laws of a country are law breakers or “illegals”. How hard is that to comprehend?
So the opposite of legal would then be “against the law”. So some one who does not follow the written and established laws of a country are law breakers or “illegals”. How hard is that to comprehend?
@Pete Hommes … Im sure youre going to make a point somehow…
@Pete Hommes You know what? I think you and I got our wires crossed, i think we’re on the same page. sorry bro
@JoshuaPerez @Pete Hommes Laws made by who ? When were Indigenous people asked for there opinion? Bullshit laws made by the WASP.
Would one of you complaining about racism please define the word “legal”. Thank you.
Yes, we can call them RACIST!..Ladren Perros, es señal que vamos avanzando!!
@LuisRamirez1 Yes, we can call you pieces of garbage. Or perros sucio if you prefer. Avanza if you dare.
@JorgeAnthonyCompanioni @LuisRamirez1 Jorge eres un pinche cubano pero.
@JorgeAnthonyCompanioni how about we get rid of wet foot dry foot first.
Hell, I’m Latina, and I AGREE with the post!If you’re NOT legal in this Country, LARGATE, PERO YA!Translation: “GET OUT, and NOW!”
And get this, you ignorant fools, racism is about race, NOT ethnic group.You people embarrass me! WTF!!!Being Latino is being part of an ethnic group.Being Caucasian, Asian, black, now that’s part of being a race.GET A FRIGGING CLUE!COME MIERDAS!! CRECE COJONES Y CONSIGUE TRABAJO PENDEJO! TODO INDOCUMENTADO ES UN MALDITO PARASITO!FUERA DE MI PAIS!
@AmLatinaDontLikeIllegals You leave. Why dont you go to europe pendeja. This is there land there fuckin continent your dum ass.
I agree and disagree with this post. I think it’s disrespectful to legal americans however it’s fine for a specific ethnic group. A group of people showing pride in america is great however showcasing a behind the scenes look at something illegal is bad.