Earlier this week, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was invoking the Second Amendment when describing a protest in his front yard by immigration activists. Today, according to the HuffPost, Kobach is now claiming that Sunflower Community Action advocates were employing tactics perfected by the KKK.
Here is what the HuffPost shared about Kobach’s latest comments:
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) continued to push back Tuesday against aweekend demonstration by pro-immigration advocates, arguing that the gathering outside his home was an example of a “KKK type of intimidation.”
Speaking to radio host Glenn Beck, Kobach repeatedly described the Sunflower Community Action activists as “the left,” saying they had “crossed the line” by coming to his house instead of his office.
“I don’t feel like I’m going to be able to shelter [my young children] from it much longer,” he lamented to Beck.
Kobach said he planned to seek legal recourse against the group by filing charges under “the Klan laws … a set of laws that say you cannot intimidate an official by trespassing on his property or threatening violence.”
Later in the article, Kobach kept going:
Nonetheless, Kobach said that using legal protections crafted in response to the Ku Klux Klan would be particularly appropriate.
“They’re just not wearing white cloaks, but this is exactly KKK type of intimidation,” Kobach told Beck, who quickly seconded the comparison, saying the activists had “learned from the Klan.”
Kobach went on to decry the “brazenness” of the group, arguing that many of them were likely undocumented immigrants themselves because they were speaking Spanish. He also claimed that this kind of “mob” protest violates the principles of American discourse.
“It looks like from the video there’s probably a significant number of illegal aliens, saying ‘Si se puede’ and all of that,” Kobach said. “This gets to the very core of what our American system depends on, which is we don’t have mobs, we don’t have this kind of pressure put on decision-makers.”
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