This is powerful.
Images of border militarization over Obama’s recent speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Produced by Laura Carlsen and Murphy Woodhouse of the Americas Program. Original photography by Murphy Woodhouse, Paul Ingram and Sean Arce. Sketch of Operation Streamline by Lawrence Gipe.
By the way, the “border surge” amendment in the Senate version of the comprehensive immigration reform bill was approved yesterday.
While professing to be ‘ profoundly disturbed’ by the aggression of anti-Semitic Germany, Roosevelt continued his special friendship for Soviet Russia after its attacks upon Outer Mongolia, Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania and Finland. Professing an adoration for ‘ democracy’ he refused, as the Jews control 90 percent of the scrap iron business, to invoke the Neutrality Act against Japan in its on China, or against Russia when, with Germany, she invaded Poland and attacked Finland. He extended a warm welcome to the Communist Ambassador Oumansky when he presented his credentials and, on the same day, displayed marked coldness toward the newly appointed Ambassador from Christian Spain