#Dream30 Update from NIYA: All 25 Remaining Dreamers to Have Credible Fear Interviews Today

Oct 7, 2013
1:11 PM

This was released today by the National Immigrant Youth Alliance:


All 25 Remaining Dreamers To Have Credible Fear Interviews Today
While encouraging, supporters should keep the pressure on

NATIONAL—The remaining 25 Dreamers in custody at El Paso Processing Center will have their credible fear interviews today. This is a pivotal moment in their fight to come home to the United States, and gives us hope that their asylum claims will advance.

It can months or even years for a detainee to receive a credible fear interview; the ‘Dream 9’, while held in Eloy Detention Center in August, were told in detention that they would not receive an interview until February 2014. The quick response is a testament our supporters, who have said with thousands of emails and calls that the right thing for the president to do is ‘Bring Them Home.’ We are urging our supporters to make sure ICE knows that they are watching what happens at this pivotal moment.

Cesar Ortiz, one of the remaining 25, was targeted because his US citizen cousin came to visit him. He, and many others like him, are assumed to be wealthy, different, and easy to exploit. Deporting these people is dangerous, cruel, and often forces them to fear for their lives.

These young people do not represent a flight risk or a danger to themselves or others. ICE should release the remaining Dreamers immediately after their interview process is complete.

We will continue to fight for all who were deported or forced to leave by this administration. We will not stop until we have a clear and safe way for the millions of deported immigrants have a way to come home.

October 7, 2013