ICE Wishes You a Happy Valentine’s Day

Feb 14, 2014
3:43 PM

We always say here that some of our best stories come straight from our community, and this one is no different. As one of our Facebook fans shared with us:

I thought this might be of interest to you. This afternoon when I went to use the ICE Detainee locator to find someone in detention, I noticed that ICE was “celebrating” Valentines Day. The security images all have to do with Valentines Day. I say, let people be with their loved ones, not locked up, if you want to celebrate Valentines Day. I’m attaching two screen shots I took.

She then gave us these two screen grabs:



Ironic. By the way, would would ask ICE, but they never talk with us anyway.

Meanwhile, this is our Valentine’s Day wish (via @CAMBIOtoday).