The following video is of poor quality but it shows Rodner Figueroa on “El Gordo y La Flaca” describing Michelle Obama’s physical features as being from the cast of the movie Planet of the Apes (El planeta de los simios in Spanish).
Univision confirmed today via a statement to Latino Rebels that Figueroa has been terminated for these comments against the First Lady:
Yesterday during our entertainment program “El Gordo y La Flaca” Rodner Figueroa made comments regarding First Lady Michelle Obama that were completely reprehensible and in no way reflect Univision’s values or views. As a result, Mr. Figueroa was immediately terminated.
The Venezuelan-born Figueroa no longer appears on the network’s site as well. As expected, the news is getting attention on social media. As of this morning, Figueroa’s Twitter profile still says the following:
It’s 2015, people, and yup, racism still sucks.
UPDATE: Rodner has reportedly written a letter in Spanish to Michelle Obama.
Respetada Primera Dama Michelle Obama,
Le ofrezco mis más sinceras disculpas por un comentario que hice sobre la caracterización que hizo de usted un maquillista en el programa de entretenimiento de Univision “El Gordo y La Flaca” ayer, y que fue mal interpretado.
Quiero aclarar que no soy racista y de ninguna manera mi comentario fue dirigido hacia usted, sino hacia la caracterización de dicho artista, que dejaba mucho que desear. El clip completo del video en contexto lo comprueba.
Me siento abochornado, le pido perdón, porque no hay excusa para que un profesional como yo haga este tipo de comentarios que pueden ser interpretados como ofensivos y racistas en los momentos tan volátiles que vive nuestro país. Tomo responsabilidad por esta falta de juicio de mi parte, pero no puedo aceptar ser tildado de racista por nadie y ser despedido como tal, y humillado públicamente por Univision después de 17 años en esta empresa.
Vengo de una familia bi-racial Latina, con familiares, como mi padre, de la raza Afro-latina. Soy el primer presentador abiertamente gay en la TV Hispana y he sido activista de causas en pro de las minorías, que como yo han sido discriminadas. Yo voté abiertamente dos veces por su esposo, Barack Obama, porque lo considero un gran hombre que respeta a las minorías, como yo, en este país.
Trabajé en dos programas de Univison donde comentaba el look de muchas celebridades, incluyendo la realeza y primeras damas Latinas y jamás he ofendido a nadie por el color de su piel, orientación sexual o nacionalidad. Soy una persona decente, pero un ser humano al fin y al cabo y cometo errores como este. Y, con lo desagradable y fuera de línea que haya sido interpretado mi comentario no merezco ser tildado de racista, y tengo que defenderme por respeto y amor a mi familia, a mi padre, a mis fans y a mi comunidad.
Se me notificó verbalmente que por una queja de su despacho fui despedido, y en una fuga de información de parte de ejecutivos de Univision, se me condenó en las redes sociales tratando de destruir mi carrera de una manera injusta, sin siquiera haberme notificado oficalmente por escrito y sin una investigación que posibilitara esclarecer la situación.
De nuevo, le ofrezco una humilde disculpa por el malentendido y asumo la responsabilidad.
Muy respetuosamente,
Rodner Figueroa
The following is our quick translation of his letter. In short, according to the letter in Spanish, Rodner’s comments were taken out of context, since he was talking about Paolo Ballesteros’ tranformations. Figueroa’s letter blames a unnamed makeup artist at the beginning (very likely Ballesteros). Figueroa claims he was using the makeup artist’s own words. He also says that Michelle Obama’s office had complained to Univision about his comments.
Respected First Lady Michelle Obama,
I offer my sincere apologies for a comment I made about the characterization from what a makeup artist made about you during my appearance on Univision’s “El Gordo y la Flaca” entertainment program yesterday, and how it was misinterpreted.
I want to clarify that I am not racist in any way and that my comment was never directed towards you, but towards the characterization of that artist, who left much to be desired. The entire video clip in context will prove it.
I feel embarrassed and I apologize, because there is no excuse for a professional like me to make this type of comment, which can be interpreted as offensive and racist duing such volatile times in our country. I take responsibility for this lack of judgment on my part, but I cannot accept being called a racist by anyone and be dismissed because of it, and be publicly humiliated by Univision after 17 years in this business.
I come from a biracial Latino family, with family members like my father who are Afro-Latino. I am the first openly gay presenter on [U.S.] Hispanic TV and I’ve been an activist in favor of causes for minorities, as I have been discriminated against. I voted openly twice for you husband, Barack Obama, because I consider him a great man who respects minorities, like me, in this country.
I worked on two programs for Univision where I commented on the looks of many celebrities, including royalty and Latin American Firt Ladies and I have never offended anyone becuase of their skin color, sexual orientation or nationality. I am a decent person, but a human being after all, and I make mistakes like this. And with the fact that my comment has been interpreted in such an unpleasant and inappropriate (crossing the line) way, I do not deserve to be called a racist, and I have to defend myself out of respect and love for my family, my father, my fans and my community.
I was verbally notified that a complaint made from your office led to my dissmisal and through leaked information initiated from Univision executives, I am now being condemned on social media by those trying to destroy my career unfairly, without even having being notified officially in writing and without an investigation that would clariy the situation.
Again, I offer a humble apology for the misunderstanding and take responsibility.
Very respectfully,
Rodner Figueroa
Also, Rodner has begun to tweet again this afternoon, thanking Raúl de Molina for his support as well as Cristián de la Fuente, who also tweeted his support for Figueroa.
Que mala memoria tenemos, todavia recuerdo como se burlaban de Barbara Bush ( esposa y madre de presidents) pero no corrieron a nadie ni nadie se ofendio. Definitivamente , no se que es mayor,el complejo o la hipocresia. Y a proposito Rodner no es cubano,es venezolano. Y aunque ni veo ese tipo de programa, lo apoyo.
Hasta que al fin hubo alguien que le paro’ el alto a este individuo que solamente critica a todo el mundo pero no se ve su cara, es un arrogante, creido que se siente que es la perfeccion personalizada, y que bueno que ahora va a trabajar con las manos o’ con la cabeza y no por criticar la belleza ” que no tiene ni idea de lo que es belleza” Porque la belleza no se lleva en el cuerpo sino en el alma, y estoy segura de que Michelle Obama es mas bella que el.Lo siento Rodner tu eres el que salio’ de ” el Planet of the apes’.Siempre me has caido mal te mereces estar lejos de la gente.
Hasta que al fin hubo alguien que le paro’ el alto a este individuo que solamente critica todo el mundo pero no se ve su cara, es un arrogante, creido que se siente la perfeccion personalizada, y que bueno que ahora va tener que trabajar con las manos o’ con la cabeza y no criticando la belleza, ya que no tiene ni idea de lo que es belleza, porque la belleza no se lleva en el cuerpo sino en el alma y estoy segura de que Michelle Obama es mas bella que el. Lo siento Rodner tu eres ek que salio de el ” Planet of the Apes” Siempre me caiste muy mal te mereces estar lejos de la gente…..
Estoy de acuerdo que el comentario estuvo fuera de lugar, porque no es politicamente correcto, pero eso lo ha hecho el siempre y Univision le pagaba por hacerlo. Me parece que la medida fue extrema, hubiera bastado con una suspencion ,como hacen las cadenas norteamericanas. Desgraciadamente, he visto comentarios tan hipocritas como decir que la primera dama es bella, por favor, decir eso es reirse de ella casi de la misma manera que lo hizo Rodner Figueroa
well that’s way it go.s here in America.?we all have to respect.?this good old America god bless us all.
Another one bites the dust in Univision. Que Bonita Familia
A Rodner Univision le pagaba para hacer criticas y burlas de uno y de todos , pero ellos no saben suspender a una persona como lo hacen las cadenas Americanas ” A los mienbros de esa gran Familia los botan y los desprestigian” Hace poco Rodner tuvo aparentes desacuerdos en su renovacion de contrato, aqui esta Univision se la tenia guardada. Que pena q actuen asi. Hasta la vista Univision, Nos vemos en Telemundo Rodner.
no crea que tu estaba tirandole a la belleza latina que son de tanta importancia te equivocate medio a medio por que esa es la priemera dama de los estdos unidos. y no crea que el pez es un sapo porque tiene la pechuga afuera y navega en el agua. y espero que aprenda la leccion.para que lo sepa jaja.
i hope telemundo takes over Univision.—Univision is very racial .don franscisco only puts mexzican on the show and no purtoricans.———-and that’s very racil.???
[…] Figueroa got fired for insulting Michelle Obama with racial slurs, what happens when Latinos insult other Latinos with […]
[…] Cruz, Al Cardenas and Marco Rubio, and the examples of racist comments by Latinos in the media like Rodner Figueroa, have made it impossible to have a conversation of Latinos and race. It is becoming clear that […]
[…] Univision Fires Rodner Figueroa for ‘Planet of the Apes’ Comments Against Michelle Obama […]
The Talmud must not be regarded as an ordinary work, composed of twelve volumes; it posies absolutely no similarity to any other literary production, but forms, without any figure of speech, a world of its own, which must be judged by its peculiar laws.
The Talmud contains much that is frivolous of which it treats with great gravity and seriousness; it further reflects the various superstitious practices and views of its Persian (Babylonian) birthplace which presume the efficacy of demonical medicines, or magic, incantations, miraculous cures, and interpretations of dreams. It also contains isolated instances of uncharitable “ judgments and decrees against the members of other nations and religions, and finally it favors an incorrect exposition of the scriptures, accepting, as it does, tasteless misrepresentations.
The Babylonian” Talmud is especially distinguished from the Jerusalem or Palestine Talmud by the flights of thought, the penetration of mind, the flashes of genius, which rise and vanish again. It was for this reason that the Babylonian rather than the Jerusalem Talmud became the fundamental possession of the Jewish Race, its life breath, its very soul, nature and mankind, powers and events, were for the Jewish nation insignificant, non- essential, a mere phantom; the only true reality was the Talmud.” (Professor H. Graetz, History of the Jews).
And finally it came Spain’s turn. Persecution had occurred there on “ and off for over a century, and, after 1391, became almost incessant. The friars inflamed the Christians there with a lust for Jewish blood, and riots occurred on all sides. For the Jews it was simply a choice between baptism and death, and many of them submitted to baptism.
But almost always conversion on thee terms was only outward and false. Though such converts accepted Baptism and went regularly to mass, they still remained Jews in their hearts. They were called Marrano, ‘ Accursed Ones,’ and there were perhaps a hundred thousand of them. Often they possessed enormous wealth. Their daughters married into the noblest families, even into the blood royal, and their sons sometimes entered the Church and rose to the highest offices. It is said that even one of the popes was of this Marrano stock.
[…] While we’re clear on how white privilege divides us, we have a harder time recognizing brown privilege makes us discriminate against darker Latinxs or less fortunate Latinxs. A real-life example of this is through controversial Latinx media figures like Rodner Figueroa who likened Michelle Obama to ‘Planet of the Apes.’ […]
[…] a history of issues with race in the past. An on-air Unvision host was fired in 2015 for making racist comments about First Lady Michelle Obama. That host, Rodner Figueroa, now works at […]
[…] do wonder that if former Univision host Rodner Figueroa had said what he said on Spanish-language television 10 years ago, he would still be part of the Univision family today, […]
[…] Gordo y la Flaca” in the spring of 2015 about Michelle Obama was racist. Straight-up racist. In a segment that is still around online, Figueroa Obama’s physical features as being from the cast of the […]