Our Facebook Community Responds to ‘Sábado Gigante’ Going Off the Air

Apr 17, 2015
2:26 PM

53 years. 53 flipping years.

That’s how long “Sábado Gigante” has been on the air. Today, Univision announced that the show will see its last day on September 19.


As you might imagine, this is the PERFECT Friday afternoon topic to ask our community about the news. Here is a sampling of what people are saying:

Thank God! (24 likes)

Say what you will, but to many Hispanics in the USA Sabado Gigante is a cultural institution. It does not appeal as much to second generation bilingual Hispanics, who quickly say and write in their perfect English “THANK GOD” and who have been more aculturated to North American culture and television. But SG certaintly appeals to first generation Hispanics and new immigrants from Latin America. Don Francisco is their Ed Sullivan, but gringofied Hispanics wouldn’t understand this, they don’t feel it, you know what I mean? (14 likes)

Sábado gigante no es ninguna institución cultural para nadie con un poquito de educación o cultura. El programa es horrible, con sus juegos, concursos, con Don Francisco tratando mal a la gente o burlándose de ellos, la forma como usan a la mujer como un objeto sexual. Lo siento pero me alegro que ese programa lo saquen del aire y espero que el espacio lo llenen con algo más cultural o educativo para todos (11 likes)

Ya era hora! I’m so tired of the miss colita contests! (11 likes)

Good riddance…such a misogynistic show… (9 likes)

53 Years That’s A Long Time. I Liked It At First But Then It Got To Sexual.. Not A Family Show At All!!

End of a sexist show. Good riddance!

Say what you will… it was part of most of our childhood years because even if we weren’t into the silliness, our parents, abuelos, Tios and Tias were. And, for that I bid the show a bittersweet adios.

Television chatarra! The only reason people watch is because they force it down their throats by giving them 4 hous of NOTHING else to watch on Sabados! LOL it’s 1950’s style garbage.

The convo is still going on, so you can catch more here. By the way, this one is our fave so far: “I liked Johnny Canales better. Take it away.”