So now that Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rosselló has named the rest of his statehood delegation by adding three Republicans to join three Democrats and Pudge Rodríguez (yes, Pudge Rodríguez), we take a moment to remind everyone how Republicans in 2012 greeted Zoraida Fonelladas, a pro-statehood Republican and the only woman in Rosselló’s delegation. Roll the video:
This happened during the 2012 RNC and it caused so many problems that the RNC had to issue this statement at the time:
During today’s Republican Convention Committee Reports, the Ron Paul followers exercised their right to free speech and protested the report by the Committee on Credentials. The Report by the Chairwoman of the Permanent Organization Committee followed. The protesters continued their boisterous protest of the Credentials Report which spilled over to the rest of the proceedings. To be clear, the attempt to disrupt the proceedings had to do with the report, not the Puerto Rico National Committeewoman. Puerto Rico and its delegation play a very important role in this Convention, and are an integral partner in the National Committee.
Yeah, we wonder how this will all play in 2017 now.