Ricardo Rosselló on July 11. (Photo by Gabriel López Albarrán/Centro de Periodismo Investigativo)
In a dramatic shift to the biggest political crisis in the history of Puerto Rico, several media outlets on the island are reporting that governor Ricardo Rosselló’s resignation is imminent and could happen as soon as Wednesday.
Puerto Rico’s El Nuevo Día reported on Tuesday night that several sources have confirmed that the embattled governor will announce his resignation in the next couple of hours. Noticentro has also reported that the resignation will happen on Wednesday.
The ENDi noted that Rosselló has recorded a farewell message that will be broadcast before noon on Wednesday. The article noted that Secretary of Justice, Wanda Vázquez would be the new governor since the Secretary of State position is absent.
On Telemundo Puerto Rico on Tuesday night, host Jay Fonseca also reported around 10:50 pm ET that a source close to the situation said that Rosselló will resign tomorrow, but that other sources are denying this.
Other outlets have noted that a resignation could happen in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Latino Rebels founder also tweeted the following around 10:58 pm ET:
And what I am getting is this: negotiations are happening with Rosselló right now to discuss a transition so that former Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi will be named Sec of State and then become the next governor of #PuertoRico.
— Julio Ricardo Varela (@julito77) July 24, 2019
The following video from La Fortaleza in San Juan was a reaction to the ENDi story:
JUST NOW: This is the moment protesters found out about the @ElNuevoDia report that @ricardorossello’s resignation is imminent and within hours. The scene outside la Fortaleza…#rickyrenuncia pic.twitter.com/alZZKSSj6v
— Bryan Llenas (@BryanLlenas) July 24, 2019
Negotiations about the transition of power and how it will all play out are continuing on Tuesday night and very likely into early Wednesday.
“Things are moving and negotiations are continuing, so other names as possible replacements are happening, so please note that this is a moving story and more will be happening. Safe to say, however, that we are in the final hours,” Varela tweeted later on Tuesday.
This is a developing story, so follow Latino Rebels on Wednesday for updates.
UPDATE, JULY 24, 1:45pm ET, via the Associated Press:
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — More than 100 protesters gathered around the Puerto Rico governor’s mansion on Wednesday in a renewed push to oust Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, while his spokesman stressed that he has not resigned but said little else about whether he planned to stay in office or leave.
In response to local media reports that Rosselló was on the verge of leaving Puerto Rico, Public Affairs Secretary Anthony Maceira said the governor “has not resigned and remains in Puerto Rico. As he said yesterday, he’s in a process of reflecting, and listening to the people.”
Maceira said that some media had published “incorrect rumors” and that “whatever decision is taken will be officially communicated, as always.”
Am really confused now. This is all coming now from @fortalezapr over the last 10 minutes. English statement date July 24
"has not resigned" pic.twitter.com/lxOk9bBBgO
— Julio Ricardo Varela (@julito77) July 24, 2019
CNN has now reported that Rosselló is expected to resign on Wednesday afternoon: “Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is expected to resign Wednesday after more than a week of protests, according to a source familiar with the situation, but Rosselló’s own party says it’s prepared to begin impeachment proceedings if he committed any crimes.”
The resignation of Rosello are the best news that Puerto Rico can have in these sad times .Ricky didn’t seem to understand the pains of the island, but finally he understands it through his own pains after the protests against him.
[…] Since the revelations of corruption appeared, now known in the mainland as #RickyGate or in Puerto Rico as #TelegramGate, Puerto Rico has seen 13 days of nonstop, mostly peaceful protests, resulting in what will be the likely resignation of governor Ricardo Rosselló on Wednesday, July 24. […]
[…] judge issued warrants for his officials’ cellphones and as local outlets announce his own “imminent” resignation. Yesterday, Ricardo Llerandi left his post as chief of staff for Rosselló. […]
[…] judge issued warrants for his officials’ cellphones and as local outlets announce his own “imminent” resignation. Yesterday, Ricardo Llerandi left his post as chief of staff for Rosselló. […]
[…] response to local media reports that Rosselló was on the verge of leaving Puerto Rico, Public Affairs Secretary Anthony Maceira said the governor […]
The governor shouldn’t resign. He said things he shouldn’t have in a private conversation and apologized for them. Now every time people go to the streets and protest everyday to get an elected official out, will he/she have to resign? That means that the people who gave him the vote don’t count. That’s a bad precedent. Don’t you always notice that most of the people that always protest in P.R. are leftists/socialists? They all love “el mantengo.” (welfare that’s not needed). Rossello is a decent man. He is also being blamed for corruption, but you also have to remember that he is only one man, he can’t control other people, he can’t see everything, he is not God. He even opened an investigation into corruption and always tries to do the right thing. It’s funny how in Puerto Rico a government comes to fix things, like Fortuño’s or Rossello’s and then another comes to take it all down. Many people in P.R> don’t have common sense, they want free stuff, but they don’t realize that working people have to pay with their taxes for your “free stuff.” The government doesn’t have a cent. Their money comes from taxpayers. God bless the governor and I know there will be divine justice for all. No insults please. This was just my comment.
You have a right to your opinion but I will tell you why most disagree with you .
The Governor handled the hurricane relief effort poorly to say the least .
Corruption under him is engulfing . He gave government contracts to friends and supporters not the most qualified and it shows .
What he said for me is not the main issue but the low standards and corruption based on nepotism and cronyism is the problem .
No God doesn’t bless a thief , a heartless person who mocks his dead people killed due to hurricane and a decent man he is not .
Look up ” The Pillaging of Public Funds in Puerto Rico Was Going on Behind Telegram Group Chat”.
”There is a multimillion-dollar corruption network behind the Telegram chat between Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló-Nevares and some of his closest collaborators.
Amid the worst fiscal crisis in its modern history, the island is the target of a pillaging of public funds perpetrated through the sale of influences, contracts and access to benefits in the government, according to an investigation by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI by its Spanish initials).”
[…] via La Fortaleza’s Facebook page. The announcement was a recorded message and confirmed Tuesday reports by local Puerto Rican media that he would step down from office. Rosselló was expected to resign earlier on Wednesday, but it […]
[…] began reporting that Rosselló was expected to resign later that day. Some claimed that he had recorded a farewell message. But as the hours wore on, nothing happened. At that point, the Puerto Rican Legislature threatened […]
[…] began reporting that Rosselló was expected to resign later in the day. Some claimed that he had recorded a farewell message. But as the hours wore on, nothing happened. At that point, the Puerto Rican Legislature threatened […]
[…] began reporting that Rosselló was expected to resign later in the day. Some claimed that he had recorded a farewell message. But as the hours wore on, nothing happened. At that point, the Puerto Rican Legislature threatened […]