Photo courtesy of Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez
Nurses, doctors and other frontline medical workers across U.S. states and Puerto Rico are being forced to ration N95 masks, leaving them vulnerable to infection as they treat COVID-19 patients. The lack of a more rigorous federal government response is encouraging advocates to step in and help fill the gap.
A pediatrician, manufacturing and supply chain expert, a graphic novelist, and a teacher teamed up to launch “Masks for America,” an all-volunteer run effort that is connecting low-cost, FDA-approved mask suppliers in China to medical facilities in need.
With the support of Avengers Mark Ruffalo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, and Chris Evans, La Borinqueña’s message of hope and heroism is reaching many.
The real superheroes are working in hospitals, urgent care, elder care, and they need our help.
Every $2 we donate to @masks4america buys a mask for a health care worker on the front lines. Let’s do this, together! #AmericaAssemble #MasksForAmerica
https://t.co/krPisxSbLN pic.twitter.com/lHh3c4Ldtq— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) March 30, 2020
According to Masks for America, the group has raised $22,000 in just the first 24 hours. It’s scheduled to send their first shipments of N95 equivalent masks to hospitals in New York City and Puerto Rico this week. Masks for America is also connecting hospitals and health facilities —who would prefer to purchase supplies— directly with manufacturers.

Photo courtesy of Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez
The face of Masks for America is La Borinqueña, a Puerto Rican comic book superhero created by award-winning graphic novelist Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez.
”Creating a superhero in this time means that she has to stand for justice in the real world.” said Miranda-Rodriguez, an award-winning graphic novelist and philanthropist. “La Borinqueña is a character I created that represents today’s need for heroism.”
You can read more about Masks for America here: www.masks4america.org