In light of recent developments surrounding the departure of Kobbo Santarrosa from WAPA TV’s “SuperXclusivo” show, WAPA released the following statement in Spanish around 6:10 pm EST, with a revision at 6:31 pm EST:
SAN JUAN, PR – Kobbo Santarrosa renunció a SuperXclusivo. A pesar de haber llegado a un acuerdo satisfactorio entre las partes el pasado lunes 7 de enero, que permitiría la continuación del programa, ayer martes, el Sr. Santarrosa abandonó las instalaciones del canal minutos antes de iniciar la producción del programa.
La decisión fue tomada unilateralmente sin comunicarlo a la administración de WAPA.
WAPA lamenta profundamente el malestar que ha causado esta situación a nuestros fieles televidentes.
Agradecemos al Sr. Santarrosa por los 14 años en que formó parte de la familia de WAPA, tiempo durante el cual recibió todo el apoyo de parte del Canal.
En vista que el contrato del Sr. Santarrosa se encontraba próximo a terminar en marzo 2013, WAPA estaba desarrollando planes para producir un nuevo programa, en caso de que este contrato no se renovara.
Este nuevo programa será anunciado próximamente. Nos sentimos seguros que nuestros televidentes recibirán con agrado esta nueva propuesta.
We requested for an English version of the statement from WAPA, and we received the following:
SAN JUAN, PR – Kobbo Santarrosa has resigned from SuperXclusivo. Despite both parties having reached agreements regarding production of the show that would allow it to continue, Mr. Santarosa walked out yesterday shortly before his show was scheduled to tape.
He made this decision on his own without consulting WAPA management.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience or disruption that this has caused to our loyal viewers.
We are grateful for the 14 years that Mr. Santarrosa has been part of the WAPA family and we have supported Mr. Santarrosa throughout his entire time with WAPA.
Since Mr. Santarrosa’s contract was scheduled to end in March, 2013, we have been working on plans for an exciting new program, which we will announce shortly.
We are confident that our viewers will share in our excitement.
bye bye WAPA from my channel line up
Bye Bye WAPA from my channel line up. If Cobo is smart he will bring his show to the US mainland were he doesn’t have to deal with blatant prejudice and envy from the Island
yo soy texano y guacho la comay ymegusto mucho por suresita y sucomedia que lastma queloquitaron wapa perdio mucho yperdio el mejor programa de la television