#CountryForAll Immigration February 13 Twitter Chat with Jorge Ramos

Feb 3, 2013
10:33 PM

Don’t forget to RSVP to the #CountryForAll Immigration Twitter Chat with the legendary Jorge Ramos, co-hosted by Mamiverse, Latino Rebels, and IHispano. The RSVP link is here, and if you join us on February 13 from 9-10 EST on Twitter, you will get a chance to win one of 10 autographed copies of Ramos’ Country for All: An Immigration Manifesto.


In anticipation of the event, Mamiverse has already published several posts about the topic:

20 Quotes by Jorge Ramos on Immigration

With Re-Issue of ‘A Country for All’, Jorge Ramos Still Speaks for the “Invisibles”

On Immigration: What if the Tables Were Turned?

America: A Land Built by Immigrants

Has Meaningful Immigration Reform Finally Arrived?