President of Telemundo PR Threatens Founder of

Aug 11, 2013
2:45 PM

In response to a story about the possibility that Telemundo PR was negotiating for the return of “SuperXclusivo” to Puerto Rican television, the founder of Latino sent a LinkedIn email to José Cancela, President of Telemundo PR, requesting comment about what was posted on Facebook. Our founder also made the request on Telemundo PR’s Facebook page.

The request for comment came from this Facebook post. (English translation here.)


Here is the email thread:

From: Julio Ricardo Varela []
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Cancela, Jose (NBCUniversal)
Subject: Comment Requested

Dear Mr. Cancela,

My name is Julio Ricardo Varela, founder of and I am requesting for comment about this morning’s Facebook post shared by Boicot a la Comay:

“ALERTA: Nuestras fuentes nos informan que Telemundo PR posiblemente está negociando con Kobbo Santarrosa para regresar a la TV.

Lo dijimos y lo reiteramos: si es cierto, este boicot lo seguirá dondequiera que vaya. No hay tregüa.

Exigimos que Telemundo y su presidente José Cancela confirmen si están o no negociando con Kobbo Santarrosa.

Si es así, que sepa Telemundo que no permitiremos que Santarrosa y su odio,intolerancia y sed de venganza regresen a la televisión puertorriqueña. No hay marcha atrás.”

Can you speak to this?

Thank you.


Here is what Cancela wrote in Spanish:

No se quien es usted y nuestra empresa toma muy en serio las amenazas y “exigencias”. Nuestro programa de farandula es Dando Candela cualquier otro rumor que este circulando en la redes es absurdo y falso.

Y a usted, lo voy a referir a nuestro departamento de seguridad para que
aprenda a escribir sus preguntas sin amenazas.

Jose Cancela
Telemundo Puerto Rico
Tu Canal

This is the English translation of what he wrote:

I don’t know who you are and our company takes threats and “demands” very seriously. Our celebrity gossip show is called “Dando Candela.” Any other rumor that is being circulated on social networks is false and absurd.
And as for you, I am going to refer you to our security department so that you learn how to write your questions without threats.

Jose Cancela
Telemundo Puerto Rico
Tu Canal

This is what Varela wrote back:

I am member of the press. You can Google Latino Rebels. I am just following up on what the Facebook post from Boycott a La Comay said. Thank you for your reply. If you think I was threatening you, you can see that I clearly identified myself as

I wasn’t aware a press request would be considered a threat. You are more than happy to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your attention to the matter.