We get it. In the age of a losing immigration battle, the haters are getting desperate. Such is the case of Bretbart’s Lee Stranahan, whose September 5 piece, “‘DREAMER’ WEBSITE TEACHES ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ‘HOW TO LIE SUCCESSFULLY'” [yes, ALL CAPS are necessary], makes the shocking conclusion that undocumented people sometimes lie about their status. Hence, these liars are bad for America. We won’t get into too much details about the piece, but you have to love phrases such as “the radical website Dream Activist” and the fact the DREAMers are actually “part of the aggressive pro-illegal immigration ‘Dreamer movement’ that is leading the fight for ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform, with a boost from President Barack Obama and many in Congress.”
Now, if only Stranahan actually KNEW about the DREAMErs, some of President Obama’s most vocal critics. They even call Obama The Deporter-in-Chief. Nonetheless, we thought part of out response should involve some actual intelligence, so we asked prominent immigration lawyer David Leopold to share his thoughts about the Breitbart piece. Here is what Leopold had to say:
In 2011 Jose Antonio Vargas, the Pulitzer Prize winning undocumented immigrant, outed his lack of immigration status in a very moving essay published in the New York Times Magazine. Vargas didn’t hold back about how he survived life in America without legal status. In painstaking detail he recounted the lies and half-truths he was forced to concoct in order to survive, grow, and contribute to his country, the United States of America.
Unfortunately, as was evident from Vargas’ piece, the broken immigration system forces otherwise honest, law-abiding people to be less than truthful and yes, sometimes lie about their personal circumstances. While I have had my differences with Dream Activist over matters of policy and tactics, I think, to be fair, the Breitbart piece should have made it clear that the Dream Activist website post clearly warned DREAMERS not to lie to any government official, stating “Undocumented youth should never lie about their immigration status to anybody or anything ‘official’, such as anything in writing and anything government-related”. That’s a critical caveat, because it’s a clear directive not to engage fraud, material misrepresentations, or other dishonesty when dealing with immigration or other government agencies.
One thing is clear to me, the Dream Activist web post underscores the need to for Speaker Boehner and the House GOP leadership to get serious about fixing the immigration system so that good people can come out of the shadows and continue to give back to the country they have struggled against all odds to enrich.
What a surprise. Breitbart overlooks facts to create a false narrative for the neo-nativists.
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