Since The New York Times’ ridiculous piece in May claiming that more Latinos are identifying as “white” between the 2000 and 2010 Census, Latino and non-Latino commentators alike have been weighing in on the many shades of color within the Latino community and the role of the “white Hispanic” within it. An intense discussion about race also continues on social media. This is not a discussion of Afro-Latinos against white Latinos or the white Spanish against the indigenous. It is more about how Latinos are making sense of the confusing label of the “white Hispanic.” What does it mean to be labeled or take on the label of a “white Hispanic?” Some in our own social media community have attempted to make sense of the term “white Hispanic” as a role within and on behalf of our community. Others have seen it as a product of confusion, while even others have dismissed the identity altogether. In this post, I will go through each of the different ways that the social media community has attempted to understand the question: who and what the hell is a “white Hispanic?”
“White Hispanics” as Latinos, Too: Many Latinos on social media have been quick to come to the defense of lighter-skin Latinos who they are “part of the community” and embrace their culture like all Latinos. One Latino Rebels follower commented, “There are no white Latinos. Being Latino is mutually exclusive with whiteness.” In other words, you are either Latino or white, but you can not be both at the same time. Many white Latinos have used the recent discussion to stake a claim that they too are Latinos despite their light skin. One blogger on Major Magazine wrote, “My strong ties to my Mexican roots do not only stem from my sincere love for Latino culture but from aching need to prove that I am not white.” In essence, these social media users have used the white Hispanic debate as a way to draw a line around their community and to ensure that white Latinos are inside of the line with the rest of the Latino community. These users do not believe the concept of the “white Hispanic” is real or valid, yet they believe in the concept of an unified Latino community. To them, “white Hispanic” is simply a meaningless term to divide their authentically defined community and culture.
“White Hispanics” as Brokers to and for Whites: As César Vargas appropriately points out, many of these “white Hispanics” claim that they are equally oppressed as their darker skinned brethren, because white Latinos have to struggle to prove their authenticity to both the Latino community and the non-Latino community alike. As he positioned, “white Hispanics” do not experience racism or have the same outcomes as darker Latinos, yet they are not perceived as a threat to the whites in control. He argues instead that “white Hispanics” can use this opportune time to discuss how white privilege is not just a privilege for non-Latino whites and that “white Hispanics” should own and discuss their dual privileges due to their dual access to the Latino and white community. Hence, their Latino identity, coupled with their lighter skin, allows them to be placed as brokers to the darker Latino community for the white-controlled society. A broker (just like a housing broker) reaps profits from both parties. Vargas assigns the role of the “white Hispanic” as a broker: whose white skin gives them dual privileges and access to both communities that could be used for either personal or communal gain.
“White Hispanics” as Buffers between the White Elite and Darker Non-Elite: As a critical complement to Vargas’ essay, The Blinker’s Geoffery Mullings argues that “white Hispanics”are socially positioned somewhere between being a beneficiary of white privilege and victim of cultural racism. To use their term, “white Hispanics” are buffers—liaisons between the white elite and the darker non-elite. While “white Hispanics” may have some upward mobility, they will never be fully accepted into the white elite and hence will never be in a position of power or control. The article’s example cites the career of Spanish Cuban and “white Hispanic” Rafael Pineiro, the First Deputy Commissioner and highest ranking Hispanic in the NYPD. After Pineiro was passed up as the possible first Hispanic NYPD Commissioner for Bill Bratton, Mullings positions that Pineiro was never seriously considered as the NYPD’s top dog and that he was politically useful to be the Executive Officer for the Latino-majority Bronx and second-in-command during the racially charged times of “stop and frisk.” According to Mullings, Pineiro’s lighter skin allowed him to make contact with the top but his Spanish-Cuban ancestry never gave him full access to the top.
“White Hispanic” as a Product of Confusion: Sociologist Hector Cordero-Guzmán’s Latino Rebels essay attempts to make sense of the category of the “white Hispanic.” He does not seek to understand who is a “white Hispanic” or what role they are assigned amongst the Latino or non-Latino white communities. For him, the “white Hispanic: is a result of social confusion of Latinos having to inhabit the border of two different cultures. In one culture, Latinos may see themselves as one identity, yet in another culture, they may take on a different identity. To bolster his point, he cites results of the racial classification of Puerto Ricans from the 2012 Census’s American Community Survey. He writes, “The percentage of Puerto Ricans in New York City choosing the ‘White’ category was 44.7 %. In Puerto Rico, the percentage was 82.3%.” Amongst the same population from the same survey, why would Puerto Ricans in one place have a completely different selection of their racial category than in another place? Cordero-Guzmán chalks it up to context: that is, racial identification will change based upon where you ask the question.
For example, in the U.S., there is the one-drop rule. If you have even one ancestor who is African, Asian, or indigenous, you’re automatically non-white. In Puerto Rico, the one-drop rule is that you are considered white if you have even one white ancestor in the previous four generations (known as the Regla del Sacar or Gracias al Sacar laws). In the U.S., a Latino historically is not white since Latinos by definition are a mixture of Spanish, indigenous, African and Asian blood. Yet in Puerto Rico, a Latino is white if they have just one white ancestor. For academics like Cordero-Guzmán, the “white Hispanic” is a negotiation between two conflicting racial classifications.
In conclusion, why did I decide to go through a typology of the meanings of “white Hispanic?” The social media discussion demonstrates that even we Latinos do not know who or what the hell is a “white Hispanic.” Some of us try to make sense of the term by dismissing its validity as a real category or identity but also as a chance to make sense of the boundaries of who is and not in our communities. Commentators like Vargas and Mullings seek to assign “white Hispanics” with a role such as broker or buffer in order to deal with the ambiguity of the term. By assigning “white Hispanics” a role, one can make sense of what is expected of them and bring clarity to their function in and for the community. Others like Cordero-Guzmán accept that the “white Hispanic” is an ambiguous term, because race is ambiguous.
One thing in clear from the comments on social media: We as Latinos many not know what a “white Hispanic” is, but we want to control its meaning to the world. We want to define the term, instead of letting some government bureaucracy or armchair ivory tower theoreticians or misinformed journalists define it. If the term is going to be “out there” in the world, we want the term to derive meaning from our LIVED experiences of navigating the made-up racial categories.
You can follow Christina Saenz-Alcántara on Twitter @ctsaenz.
I totally agree that it’s all about context, but even then, if I must make a more nuanced distinction: I never self-identify as “white” because I know damn well that “white” has nothing to do with dermis or race or even ethnicity, but instead it has everything to do with the politics of race and economic supremacy.
It wasn’t that long ago when jews, italians and irish were not considered “white.” It would appear that these immigrant groups began to assimilate into the dominant culture in a seeming correlation between their mass arrival and an almost imperceptible tipping point that signaled economic upward mobility on a large scale.
Coincidentally, these groups also go on to make up a significant portion of the American middle-class at about the same time that the US embarked upon a massive, postbellum suburbanization during the second half of the 20th century. That also suggests to me that there is an economic component (or class identity) to the notion of whiteness and as such we begin to witness the widespread epiphenomena presented via inter-ethnic marriage: a rapid decrease in ethnic idiosyncrasies in favor of what some might call the overall blandness of general purpose “white.”
Therefore, since I’m not ready to do away with my own Puerto Rican/Latino idiosyncrasies I guess I am not ready to be white. I can live with that.
I don’t understand the term “reverse racism” because racism in any form is not acceptable to me. This isn’t a case of racism but of bigotry; Rigo, do you know the difference?
Maybe you should ask the next time you get a weird look in your own hood, not being shy I have asked. There’s no assumptions in my case.
[…] Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic? […]
Go tell the Cuban-Americans they’re not “white.”
The Latino Escape Hatch. Throughout most of the 20th century, Latino elites in the United States (and the government of Mexico itself) argued that all Hispanics should be classified as “white” on all official records – regardless of appearance or ancestry. So a blond person with the “tarbrush” could be labeled “Negro” in Texas while a dark-skinned Mexican with no white blood or European ancestry would be officially labeled “white” – even if he was treated more like a Negro than a white person. Now that is big time passing!
[…] It wasn’t until I got to my late teens and embraced wearing my hair naturally curly all the time that I was asked constantly “What are you?”. Most people assumed I was part Caucasian, part something else, because of my light skin. Most people didn’t even believe I was Dominican when I told them, because many people think of “Dominican” people to be darker, a-la actress Zoe Saldana. Due to the European mixture that went on in the DR, Dominicans have a wide range of skin and hair colors and textures. However, being a “white Hispanic”, I have the everyday social privileges of Caucasian people, yet am not ostracized within the Hispanic community. (What is a “white Hispanic”, you ask? This article does a good job of discussing that: […]
Rather certain latinos like it or not. The ones who have white skin are clearly white. Spanish people are white by definition. Argentina is white. Brazil has a good portion of white people. The browner skin mexicans are mestizos. Which are mixed with white.
Look at this issue from a slightly different point of view: there is no such thing as a Hispanic or Latino race, and the claim for either of these labels as an ethnicity is weak at best. I submit that these labels are designed to make us the “other” and to limit our equal claim to being just simple Americans of many races and cultures from around the world. I am a white American who happens to be of Cuban birth. I know black, indigenous, white,and Asian Americans who happen to be of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Peruvian,Argentinian,etc…heritage.
[…] Ramirez de Arrellano and Roberto Lovato, plus other top-notch essays about politics, race, identity and history. The future of is brighter than ever, and it has always come down to […]
This was awesome. You’re absolutely right.
It’s funny. Do people forget that many Hispanics have European ancestry? Most people in places like Argentina, Uruguay and many of the upper the classes in other Latin American countries are mostly of European extraction. So it makes sense that many would identify as white. It seems that many in the US don’t want to acknowledge the European heritage of Hispanics, like it’s politically incorrect or something.
melchior6 Upper class are you for reals? Its ok I know who I am and your meta message will not hurt me because I know who I am and the people that made me.
Parents are from El Salvador (Indigenous Salvadorean) and Nicaragua even though my grandfathers were from Turkey. Spanish is a European language, not native to the Americas, as my friend states it everybody great grand papa is from somewhere from Europe. so what? As Hispanic’s we must learn where we are from do understand where we are going. Understand our history the good the bad and the very ugly.
We don’t have to put down others at the end of the day we put down ourselves.
[…] the U.S media also created these divisions. In Christina Saenz-Alcántara’s article Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic?, one of the many arguments presented is that Latino Whiteness is not possible because of the myths […]
i think that in america there are two criteria determining if Hispanic folks get to be white Hispanics, 1 if they look white enough 2 if there are enough Black folks around such that the Black folks are the very different out group. all this is tempered by the Hispanics persons level of understanding of racial dynamics in white supremacist america!!!! my observation as a African American
” If you are from Guatamala, then you,re probably Mestizo. Same with Mexico” No ti doesn’t. That’s a fallacy.
Chile has the largest palestinian population outside of the middle east. Argentina has one of the largest Italian populations outside of Europe. Brazil has the largest Sub-saharan population second to Nigeria, Brazil also has one of the biggest German populations, Colombia has one of the largest Lebanese populations in the world, Argentina has also one of the largest Irish populations, and I could go on.
Caucasian Spanish Americans are just the descendants of the mid 19th century Spanish Atlantic immigration. Today, the Spanish American descendants of Native North Americans, often get confused by their dark skin. They are clueless, White Hispanics just represent a massive historical part of the Spanish ‘race’
asdfasdf22 …the English used to (and some still do) refer to the Irish as a separate “race”…do you think that the Kennedys ever fell for that Bullshit??? Get a life, or better yet open a book on the races of man…you will be shocked to learn that neither Spanish nor Irish have EVER been a “race”…idiot!
TESMITH47 …tell that fiction to Obama…he really believes he is “black” and the ignorant “1-Drop-Fools” follow him to that ignorance…but hey…it got him into the White House didn’t it?
melchior6…American media is constantly presenting images of brown indians sneaking into the US from Mexico and Central America…for MOST Americans, THAT is the image of a “Latino”…when they meet WHITES from Hispanic or Latin America backgrounds their heads explode and they run-off to the Taco Bell drive-up window to be reassured that their understanding of “Latinos” is still on the menu there…clowns without a circus…just so pathetic and stupid….the funny thing is …those brown Indians were NEVER “Latinos” in their own country…blame this stupidity on ignorant Washington DC, bean-counters who have not left their office cubicles in DECADES, but dare to come-up with categories to “box-in” TENS of millions of people who are racially, ethnically and culturally different one from the other…they apparently forget that Mexico had a white president recently (Vicente FOX), that most of Brazil’s presidents have been German, that Puerto Rico is majority of European descent and NOT at all like Haiti or Jamaica and that White Cubans like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t just “look white” they ARE!!!
Americans are an embarrassment around the world…Not too long ago when I was in Puerto Rico (where I am from) an American from Santa Barbara, California asked me at a restaurant, “when did your people stop wearing grass skirts?” STUNNED, I turned to this idiot Midwestern regugee and her idiot husband and told them…”we stopped wearing grass-skirts about the same time that Americans invaded the Island in 1898 and stole us from Spain!”
They got up and left. (thank god!!!) These same idiots also had asked me why Puerto Ricans looked “so white”…My response…for the same reason YOU do…They will never forget their White Puerto Rican experience…
Uhhh…Santa Barbara,California is on the West Coast, not in the Mid West!!
Carinel Mary…I was lucky…in my part of Puerto Rico, we had books and the internet…and NO ONE I know thinks such “estupideces” as the ones you wrote here…perhaps you were thinking of Jamaica or Haiti…or perhaps you live in the imaginary Capitol of Puerto Rico, known as The Bronx? Que canto de babodidades, chica…mi gata sabe mejor que tu, idiota!
rafa621…if you are white, you are white…I think you meant that you are not ready to be culturally ignorant as MOST Americans who think that all people from Latin American cultural backgrounds are brown Mexican-Indian illegals dying to mow their lawns and wipe their Korean adoptees’ asses for 25 cents an hour!
mischling2nd …dont’ be stupid…just as in the States, there are blacks, whites, asians, indigenous and mixtures of all of the above in Cuba…do you think that Cameron Diaz just thinks she’s white? Do you think that Oprah just thinks she’s black? Open a book already!
anglozombie…I agree with you, but trying explaining to the typical idiot Midwesterner who thinks that if you don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes, you are not white…they have not left the continental US EVER and really believe that! It was not that long ago in the US, ESPECIALLY in the Midwest, that Irish, Italians and Jews were NOT considered white…now go tell that to the Kennedys, the Italians in Brooklyn and Bernie Sanders they are not white…no one with a brain would utter such stupidity today.
When I took Literature of the Holocaust, the first thing that I heard from a student is, “My name is Rachel. I am Jewish and no one believes me because I have blonde hair. This is a true thing because I am also Jewish and I had light hair as myself was a young adult. I was called a liar in elementary school because I told these kids that I am Jewish. I get the idea. When I got older, I understood that Antisemitism exists when my friend told me that my Dad looks Jewish and I don’t at all. I am not trying to look like I hate people who don’t believe me based on my color. I am also part German nonJewish. I love everything about myself while people don’t want to believe it. I have been called a racist Caucasian. This isn’t new. I noticed that this accusation started at a really young age. I am asexual and I don’t do sex. People who got to know me asked me why and I couldn’t figure myself out. I was called a racist because I wasn’t dating a person of a different race. I really don’t like anyone in a sexual way and I never did, but I did try it and found out that I am a disappointment. Never again and I never feel jealous. Although I feel misunderstood that I don’t have kids of my own through the nature way. I am not prejudiced against straight people or homosexuals. I just wish that people wouldn’t push me or like me for who I am.
adamstraw1 …yup, you’ve known Americans all right…they are sooooooo proud of their cultural ignorance they try to get the rest of the world to believe it…they are an embarrassment around the world…just appalling. Not too long ago, I met an American black couple in Spain who asked me Iwhat I was doing there. It seemed that when they learned I was born and raised In Puerto Rico, I could only be in the Bronx….where I have NEVER lived!
I’ll just be glad when everyone’s kids have kids with other races and it keeps happening so noone knows what they are and we can stfu about race
KhatariLamarHorne…sure cause it worked so well for Obama’s father, OJ, Tiger Woods and Seal didn’t it…all those kids are on shrink offices for the rest of their lives…nice try.
I actually went out of my way to make an account here just to type THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO BE THE ONLY ONE WHO MAKES ANY SENSE IN THIS PAGE!
When will ignorant people learn that ETHNICITY DOES NOT MEAN RACE?!
There are WHITE hispanics just as there are BLACK hispanics!! How are we any less white than other white nations?! Everyone in the universe is as mixed as mutts if we’re going to talk about mixes!!
When people tell me I’m not white just because I’m cuban, yet before I told them I was Cuban they assumed I was Irish or some european (which is IRONIC because my cuban family descend from european spaniards), it makes me want to gauge out someone’s eyes!!! How can anyone be so ignorant?!
The USA isn’t and never will be “A White Nation”!! It was Native American first, and now its a mixture of different ethnicities under one nationality. With the Native Americans, they have two.
Zeldahfan…Zeldahfan…I have worked and taught at Ivy League and Big 10 Schools and I can tell you that the ignorance and stupidity you describe is EPIDEMIC in the US. And if it is that LOW on college campuses, you can only imagine the level of ignorance everywhere else in the country.
But don’t think for a minute that these race morons are just American “whites”.
If you read this blog on a regular basis you will see that this level of race duplicity and double-talk ALSO comes from the mouths of latin-american-rooted “La Tinos” who have swallowed waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of the “we-all-be’s-duh-same” in the La Tino wheel of identity whoring.
I have personally met WHITES from Latin America backgrounds (Cuban, Puerto Rican and even Argentinian) who sell-out their European background and say they “just look white”. The do this to get in on the Affirmative Action gravy train.
In one case, a WHITE Puerto Rican with FOUR red-haired sons and a coincidentally “just looks white” BLONDE American wife dared to tell me that he just “looks white” and so do his sons, bu that he was a descendant of Taino royalty.
I looked at him and said “race bigots like you are the reason that the race “dialogue” in America continues to go nowhere! You play the race card and then you cash-in all your race chips and continue living your “just looks white” WHITE life’. Needless to say he doesn’t speak to me any more…no effin’ loss!
He is on campus as a “person of color” collecting his fat salary and “just happens” to live in the WHITEST neighborhood in town…probably another “inconvenient” fact of his despicable existence.
Another race clown I met was a WHITE Cuban whose 4 grandparents were born in BARCELONA and on campus he was a generic “La Tino of color”… I kept quiet for quite a while but then one time when I ran into him and his 2 WHITE parents at the airport, his mother who had met me before, called me offer to give me a hug. I just couldn’t resist calling him out in front of them and I said (in Spanish)…”you know, if I didn’t know any better I would swear your parents were white”. They heard me and turned to him and asked what I was talking about.
He turned BEET RED because NOW he had to explain the lie he had been perpetuating on campus about his family being “people of color”. Needless to say he didn’t speak to me after that either. And I won’t bore you with how BLONDE and white his 3 daughters are either!
That is why it is so important that when we encounter these race clowns, that we CONFRONT them. I have lost “friends” who would tell me that I was “confused” or that I “should get over it”. NOT A CHANCE!
I honor people’s identities and I expect NO LESS in return.
Oh, hrrr. Poor white Hispanics, not treated as royalty in the USA like they’re used to back home. Your insecurity annoys me, just like with Spaniards constantly competing with northern Europeans, and convincing everyone that they’re all blue eyed germanics
Greg Medina Get a life! No one cares how “white” you are. It’s hilarious how offended Spaniards and “white” Latinos become when they aren’t immediately accepted into the ranks of Anglo society. Guess what? You’re from Latin America, so that alone sets you apart, even if you look like Louis CK. If you wish to blame someone, blame the Spaniards for colonizing the land. Or immigrants for showing up. You’re at such pains to differentiate yourself from your fellow countrymen, that you play into their game.
anglozombie We don’t need Anglo-Americans to school us on our own ancestries. “White” is totally dependent on context. Even if someone has European roots, by virtue of them being from outside of Northwestern Europe (and a place like Latin America, at that), they’re seen as foreign. Hell, even Spaniard nationalists are trying to convince everyone that they’re “pure” Germanic with blue eyes, or that the Moorish invasions never happened. Why prove yourself to anyone?
mischling2nd They were legally considered white to become citizens of the United States, since they annexed land they were already living on.
Greg Medina rafa621 Guess what? More Latin Americans are “Indian” than “pure white”! Why is that something to be ashamed of? Hmm, maybe if it weren’t for whites in their respective countries hoarding all the resources and wealth to themselves, or whites in the US wanting to cut corners, they wouldn’t even be here! Don’t get upset that they’re known (or do you expect life to work like a Eurocentric telenovela?)
These “illegals” work harder than you ever will, and have earned the respect of many Americans. You have your elitism, but nothing more. And if you’re so proud of being European, why not move there? I guarantee you that someone will turn their noses up at you, too. Loser.
AtraMorsTemnota Greg Medina …thank you for interpreting my life for me, now get back to OJ,Whoopie and Oprah who just “look black” but are really Eskimos…fool! And YOU don’t get to tell me who my “countrymen” are. I do!
AtraMorsTemnota Greg Medina rafa621 …
WOW…you must be so busy meeting all the 100s of MILLIONS of people throughout all of Latin-America, performing mitochondrial DNA analyses on all of them and STILL have enough time to write your ignorant, misinformed and stereo-typed “opinions” about people you have never met and never will.
These “illegals’ ” first civic act in the US is to wipe their beaner holes with American immigration policy, our sovereignty and our national autonomy.
Yeah, that’s someone we need to allow into the country all right.
What next?
Allow every muslim crazy to live in YOUR house?
There isn’t a country in the world that would allow its borders to be relegated to “racists” plots of “duh man”…NOWHERE!
Do you really think that Mexico would allow 30 MILLION Americans to sneak across its borders, swamp their healthcare network, collapse their schools with our “special needs” and bring MORE gang culture to shoot-up the presidential palace of their WHITE leaders? Think about it…it isn’t that hard to do.
Ask Canadians if they would allow 10s of MILLIONS of Americans to sneak into their country to RE-WRITE their cultural tenets.
But with apologists like you these ILLEGALS will always find a lawn to mow, a pool to skim and a dish to wash for you, so you can pay them 10cents on the dollar and feel so generous and superior.
Yeah, you must be so proud of yourself.
It was your “ White Idols” who snuck across Mexico’s borders first, and they came by the hordes! They swamped both the Natives and the Mexican on their land. Then proceed to squat on Mexican landgrants and property!! They are now just getting what they wrought on others. If they or you don’t like it you can go back to your own white Euro homelands, because you don’t belong on indigenous land. Payback is a Bitch!!
AtraMorsTemnota…you know what’s annoying. A know-nothing idiot on the internet with a name that looks like a fucking typo, who doesn’t identify “itself” with regard to any cultural, ethnic or racial context…typical internet hyena, biting others and running back into your anonymous cyber hole filled with your stupidity, racism, shit and ignorance. Get a life, an identity and a back-bone…right now, NONE of these are yours…you fool! Oh and BTW, the last time I looked, Spain was still in Europe and NOT in a “La Tino” BS fiction in the US.
littlems09 melchior6 …Dear Miss Littlems09…NOTHING that Melchoir6 wrote was an attack on you or anyone else. He simply stated his experience, which apparently is not yours and your didn’t like his opinion. But THAT doesn’t invalidate his experience, his comment or his reality. He was NOT putting anyone down…I think it’s time to put on your big girl pants.
And he states that many people identify as white because when they look in the mirror THAT is what they see…should they identify as Eskimo? Pygmies? Unicorns?
Would that please your generic “La Tino” sensibilities. Live YOUR life, takes lots of selfies and enjoy yourself. Life is not that long that we have time to oversee anyone else’s reality, especially those that don’t ask you to.
So is a light skinned naturally blonde person who was born in Italy a white or a Latino? Cause from what I have been told by a few older persons, the fact is to be a Latino… one must be from either Italy, France, Portugal etc, etc… who either speak Latin or have close ties to that area of world. Now Hispanic bye all means is either from or closely tied to being born in Spain, regardless of color.. example being those who are of the Moores.. meaning of being from the continent of Africa… check your history books.
Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese and Romanians are Latin people from Europe. Their languages derive from Latin/Romance. The “root” of “Latin”and/or “Latino” word is from European. Not the Americas. The capital of the province of Lazio, Italy is called “Latina”.
Latin America is as mixed as United States, there are white, black, native american, asian, arab, jew, mixed and even indian latinos, some “latinxs” from the States need to travel to Latin America and learn a few things.
Hispanic is a stupid term promoted by univision and telemundo, drop it.
Definition of Latin America from the dictionary: “Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and French are spoken.” Napoleon Bonaparte used the term “Latin America” to differentiate it from “Anglo America” (English speaking).
This makes just as much sense as saying: “Who and What the Hell is a White Anglo?”
Hispanic relates to all SPANISH speaking peoples regardless of race.
If you’re of completely indigenous North American stock and speak Spanish and have Spanish customs, you are a/n (indigenous Mexican – any of the groups such as Aztec, Mexica, et c.) Hispanic.
If you are of mixed indigenous Mexican and European heritage, and you speak primarily Spanish, you’re a Mestizo Hispanic.
If you’re of completely European stock and speak Spanish, you’re a WHITE HISPANIC!
In Canada we have a similar situation: French and English are our European-introduced languages instead of Spanish, and our people (until recently – but that is another story) were often either “Indians” (Indigenous Canadians), “Metis” (Same idea as Mestizo, in fact, it is the same word in French and they are mixed Native and French) or White. Any of the three, Native, Metis, and White, may be either Anglo or French in terms of language and culture.
The reason I’ve explained this, is to point out that your long article is overcomplicated and seemingly driven by a desire to push racial division via “INTERSECTIONALITY”. As a Metis Canadian I feel a connection to Latino people in the USA and Mexico and I see them as our brothers, but we ought to think twice before inflaming racial division and singling out those who look “too white”. My two cousins, one looks fully white and the other you can tell shes got native blood. They’re from the same two parents. is any one here seriously suggesting we treat them differently?
So this is interesting and I can see how this can be rather a big conundrum and mix of up. I myself am american , however my mother is Spanish and is from parents from Andalucia Spain. She does not look pearly white. My father was of Italian heritage, his parents were from Italy with a little Spanish in the mix. Many times people think I am Puerto Rican due to the way I speak Spanish from Andalucia amd my look. Some Latin Americans have a real confused perception on Spaniards and what we are and look like. Within Spain there were like 13 different ethnic heritages and colonizations. So many of us are a mix of the original Iberian N African tribes, The Carthaginians, Berbers, The Celts, Phoenicians, Greeks, Vikings, German, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Moors, Jews, Persians etcc…so are we white” in the white mans term…NO!! Are we Caucasian ..yes for the most part. So this idea that we are some tall blonde hari blue eyes white people is really a fairy tale sorry to tell you. Only about 15-20% of Spain has colored eyes and light hair. This came from the Celts and Vikings etc. The rest we are Medterranean Latin people. We have brown to black hair, brown to olive to very white skin, brown to dark brown to black eyes. So if people look at me and my family as being white” No they think we are Mediterrean or Greek, Italian or Spanish and sometimes Portuguese. Even at times South American. Also another legend is that all Spaniards speak with the theta sound like a lisp which was influenced by Greek..again that is wrong. In Andalucia many places do no lisp and the Canary Islands as well. Hope this helps. Here is another conundrum for you. You can be Latin American and NOT be Hispanic nor Latin. That is because there are other Europeans and Asians/ Indigenous and Africans that did not mix in with any latin people( meaning Spaniards or Italians) but because you are considered Latino America you consider yourself Latin.
the average American (pochos/hispanic americans included) are too autistic to realise that white Latinos are real and they do exist.
apart from Argentina and Uruguay, there are a shit-ton of them in Northern Mexico and in other places like Colombia, Paraguay, Chile etc.
this most likely probably has to do with the ‘brown pride’ and ‘chicano movements’ that are common in the US.
both my parents are from Eastern Europe, but i was born in SLP, MX, and everyone considered me Mexican, regardless of white skin.
[…] and activists including myself. Cesar Várgas was one of the first to use the term White Latinos (or White Hispanics), which allowed myself and others to push back the use of Blackness as a way to underscore […]
The reality is that Spanish people are very racist people or compatible with that of the white Race. It’s blatant and they don’t hide it. You spanish people know it but hide be hide the black race for equality. That or they they marry someone of the white race to mix the color. It’s happened for decades and even centuries. Argentina – Germans- and other Europeans where welcomed. Speak with any true Argentinian and they will tell you the truth. Unfortunately the hate towards the darker complexion carried over from the notion that the white race is better and more privileged. Spanish people want the same and are ashamed if someone considers them as other than white. – And not even white per say – just not that of the black race – which had endures horrific torture by the white race for over 400 years. Spanish from the Americas don’t want that history so they blended in which for some families took decades to do they they did it. My family did it too but my great grand parents were real Latinos brown people and proud. They weren’t racist but where sad for their people in all countries because they saw what was happening in Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, and the rest of the South American countries and Caribbean islands like Puerto Rico, Dominican Rep, and Cuba. They and many others from their era called it the elimination of the people. Keeping up with the fulanos – in this case White so to not be looked upon negatively. Latino Governments were the worst in that they made every effort eradicate all color aspects. So – this is an interesting topic because to Latinos – if a person of the white race can’t tell the difference then they are perceived to be white then the goal has been met. –
Please debate anything and I’ll show you proof.
Or debate this one- You can get White from Black but never Black from White. How it all started and evolution of the people over thousands of years.
If Johnatan Schunke, Juan Foyth or Santiago Ascacibar -to name a few football players, were born in the United States of North America, they would be considered white by the US population. But they were born in the American country of Argentina, where Spanish is spoken. Genes don’t get in the way. It’s the language you speak what determines your race. At least, that’s the US logic.
“For example, in the U.S., there is the one-drop rule. If you have even one ancestor who is African, Asian, or indigenous, you’re automatically non-white.”
The one drop rule never applied to Asian or indigenous ancestry. I should know since I have both and I’m not considered non-white. Please, stop spreading misinformation on this topic. The history of race in the US is bad enough without making things up to make it look worse.
[…] There is no such thing as a White Latino. […]
[…] WHITE LATINOS EXIST. Y’all need to stop crying. […]
[…] There is no such thing as a White Latino. […]
God American “Latinos” are fucking annoying.
A white hispanic is someone with european ethnicity but is from or has family ties to Spanish-speaking countries.
I hope you idiots know that many maaaany Spaniards and actual Latin Americans can’t stand your fake ass “wokeness” and obsession with race and “decolonization” while you constantly demonstrate that you don’t actually know shit about Latin America (the irony, unbelievably ignorant while also being preachy). It’s just Americans trying to feel special yet again while they tell other people how to think.
we love you right back
Nah, see I’m puerto rican on my mom’s side, and I’m european on my dads side. I basically look white, you wouldn’t even know. But its really unfair to exclude people because of their skin color. My friend is mexican on both sides of the family, but she’s whiter than me. It’s unfair.
Most racist people in USA are Hispanic people from Mexico to central America are racist tors white people but they don’t know they are white Latinos to from Latin America European people those mestizo people are helf white lhelf native
dump people dumb people don’t know anything
Argentina are white people Uruguay lots of Latinos are white people men Hispanic is nat a race south Europe people are darker than Argentina not all European countries are white people but in usa all consider white lol that’s crazy in Europe we go by nationality not by color skin by race that’s stupid
First, let me start off by saying that the term Latino/Hispanic is of European origin; so it makes no sense to me that you so-called “woke” Latinos are hating on the White Hispanic term or any hint of European heritage in your lineage still identify with the Euro-Latino term. I respect the history of highlighting the Indigenous history of Latin America; Hell, you’re more American than me. I just don’t understand why no Latin Americans are instead pushing for an identity or ethnic term that better reflects your origins and cause. I am sure that Spanish being your official language has a large part with the Latino identity. Its just that you butt-hurt people complaining about the White Hispanic term seem hypocritical to me.
I am an Italian American from Bay Ridge Brooklyn and my wife is an Italian American from Chicago; and growing up we honestly never heard any other Italians consider themselves to be Latin or Latino. Yes, it is common knowledge that Italian, French, Romanian, Portuguese and Spanish are Latin derived Romance languages; which means we are of Latin European heritage- just as Poles, Russians & Croats are of Slavic European heritage; yet it isn’t common in North America to hear one say to the Polish or Croatians, “they’re not Caucasian people, they’re Slavic!” That statement or argument makes no sense to me.
The first time I had heard Italian Americans claim Latin identity was in Tampa, Florida; where the Italian immigrants lived among Spanish or Cuban immigrants in ethnic enclaves like Ybor City & West Tampa during the old Deep South; when anyone not of White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) heritage was looked down upon. So I’m my opinion, the original Italian families of Tampa have a valid & historic reason to claim the Latin term in the states, just as I am sure that if Ybor City had been a Slavic Enclave of Russians, Polish, Croatian etc. they would claim the Slavic term.
Embrace your history and movement alive; I support you embracing and bringing your pre-Spanish roots to light in America. It is time that your culture and history is better-represented in mainstream America, just as my Italian heritage and other ethnic European culture is represented in modern-day USA; but for crying out loud people…
You hit the nail right on the head, Vince. It’s so annoying. Why is it so hard to understand that the world “Latin/a/o” originated in Europe? Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Romanians are Latin. The term “Latin America” was coined by the French, to distinguish those countries in the Americas that spoke Romance languages from those who spoke English. In other words, us Latins versus the Anglo Saxons. Still it’s strange to call a Mayan a “Latino” .There’s also a lot of ignorance in the US. It lumps all Spanish-speaking people, regardless of race and culture, into one umbrella, thinking as if they’re all the same. Honestly, I look forward to the day that our country doesn’t become so hyper fixated with race. We have a long way to go.Thanks for sharing.
First of all ,what does it matter ; white latino or latina or visa versa . My dad was Latin Native American from three different tribes n asian my mother was caucasian European ! scottish welch n danish from Grandad n English irish from grandmother on my mom’s side . So I am a white Hispanic an proud of it !!!! I am very proud of all that I am .My mother made sure we grew up on traditional food n celebrated Cinco De Mayo as well as Other traditions an things important for our Latin culture . An things n traditions from n foods she grew up with an it was meshed together she grew up with as well An proud of it !!! I check each box that pertains to me an always will . My culture an traditions on both sides are imbeded in me an I have taught my children that it’s important to know the people an the heritage we come from an our traditions ! God bless
[…] Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic? […]
My father is anglosaxon us american and My mother was an hispanic woman from a spanish speaking country (Uruguay)… My family is mainly white or better: european american….they are not african american, neither Indians, neither mixed blood… I feel identified with the fact that i’m a hispanic (My first language is spanish, i’m more catholic than protestant and i was born in a spanish american country), but i’m white… The better proof of that is that i would be considered white in mexico or other countries
First of all there isn’t such a thing as Hispanic that is a label fencing white Caucasian man gave us Latinos. We are not Hispanics we are Latinos Nick is the word Hispanic comes from the 70s when immigration we’re doing is a round ups and Latino people that we not legally in the country would run away. Location people which star saying he is panic or she is panic and that’s where the word came from. Those who call themselves Hispanic are ignorant mostly the Mexican people. Most Central and South Americas we know that we are Latinos because we come from the Latin countries that’s why they’re called Latin American countries not Hispanic countries.
Isn’t Spain country Hispanic..?
See my mothers sides ancestors came from Italy and Portugal Spain and Europe. Then Immigrated to america. So I was born white in America My birth certificate says “white” my ethnicity is hispanic though hence ancestors from spain
Ok on my birth certificate I’m race?
In real life THO I’m hispanic ethnicity from Spain. Does this make sense. Aren’t spanish people hispanics and aren’t spanish people still white? If this doesn’t make any sense please so me what does. Thanks
Rvcarcmo, Hispanic is a fake term but Caucasian is real? WTF? The term Caucasian is literally obsolete. “White” is fluid and open to cultural interpretation. What we should be talking about is European-ness. How European decended people interact with black and Native people in the US an Latin America and how the two things are connected.
I am Portuguese Swiss, and French. I am a white from South America.
But in the US, because of my accent, I am a minority, and not “Anglo” American.
So yes, we are discriminated against. Maybe not so deeply as other South Americans, but still.
I have been treated nicely until I open my mouth and people hear the accent.
And if you have an accent that is not Italian or North European, then you will not be treated the same.
But yes, if I had no accent, then I would be invisible to most White Americans but the very racist nordicist ones.
But even then, if I see anyone mistreat a Latino/Hispanic/South American, or anyone for that matter, I go berserk.
Take your own conclusions. But yes White Latin Americans do exist. But we are not racist like “Anglos”
Spaniniards are European, not Hispanic in my view.
White is an American invention that used to mean a person was English-American. And then it developed into this ugly word that is erroneously used
Real latinos and hispanics are 100 percent white and European and not these half breed brown mutts. Latin is a European language and ethnicity. The term latino comes from the latini who were the first people of Rome. The term hispanic comes from Hispania which is the iberian peninsula.
[…] In 2014, the revelation that more Hispanics were identifying as white on the census forms prompted such pieces as “Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic?” […]
[…] In 2014, the revelation that more Hispanics were identifying as white on the census forms prompted such pieces as “Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic?” […]
Funny how nobody has a problem with “black Hispanics” or “afro-latinos”.
Funny how everybody understands what an afro-latino or a black Hispanic is. Who an indigenous Hispanic/latino is.
Nobody questions what a mestizo/ castizo/Mulato/Pardo is.
Sounds to make a bunch of people worried that light skin Hispanics May assimilate and leave the darker ones behind.
Fascinating article and comments, even the vulgar ones.
Some observations: Regarding the difference how Puerto Ricans or Puerto Rican descendants self-identify depending on whether they are in Puerto Rico or New York; Has anyone considered the possibility that more Puerto Ricans who happen to have been “Black” migrated to New York than Puerto Ricans who happen to have been “White” migrated north to New York the same as more “Blacks” than “Whites” migrated north to New York from Alabama or Mississippi or Louisiana ?
Regarding Spaniards: Of course Spain is in Europe; Spanish undeniably comes from Spain.
Regarding “Hispanic”: it most fundamentally means something relating to Spain; and
“Latin” (the language of ancient Rome and its empire) means relating to the countries or peoples using languages that developed from Latin which includes Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian and about ten other less common languages. For example, once upon a time a movie “Latin Lover” could have a Frenchman, or Italian or Cuban.
Americans seem obsessively fixated on racial labels, even if they have to invent them just to fit whatever the latest political fashion dictates.
Real Latinos and Hispanics are 100 percent white and are southern European. The term Latino comes from the Latini who were the first people to inhabit Rome. There is even a city named Latina there. The term Hispanic comes from Hispania which is the Iberian peninsula. Metizos are half breed mutts and not real Latinos or Hispanics. They’re Mexican American and southern Americans.
First off I’m a Latina with red hair and freckled face and white colored you got a problem with it go f*** yourself I’m proud on how I can because it gives me the ability to hear what other stupid people think I don’t understand in a language that I know and to see what kind of heart people have when you don’t look like them when they treat you like you’re not part of because you don’t look like the rest of them let me define what I’m trying to say I’m Latino so I could definitely say and I have the right to say that with my life experience having the complexion that I was born with I’ve met Latinos that are good people good nature people of good character good heart and I’ve met the Latinos that are friendly to you only to talk behind your back a bad about you and treat you like crap and then speak in Spanish thinking you don’t understand what they’re saying about you I confront them and they become the victim and I’m the enemy I don’t need to prove s*** to anybody who I am you don’t think I’m Latino because of my skin complexion and if I don’t listen to Spanish music and more music in English doesn’t make me less of you don’t like me for what any reason then you could kiss my white freckled El Salvadorian ass cuz that’s where my roots come from El Salvador f*** all of you and the only Latinos who I truly truly love and respect are the ones that showed me love and family and Trust are family white hispanic you don’t like it white Latino you don’t like the term go f*** yourselves cuz that’s what I am a Latino that’s white color