Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Pierluisi Calls Nolasco’s Joke “Offensive” and “Regrettable”

Jan 6, 2012
5:12 PM

Today, during a Three Kings Day celebration in Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, the island's Resident Commissioner and a non-voting member of the US House of Representatives, specifically called out Puerto Rican actor Amaury Nolasco for his portrayal of Angel on the January 3 airing of ABC's "Work It" premiere.

Puerto Rican Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi

Pierlusi's comments were published in Spanish on ElNuevoDia.com, the island's largest newspaper. He called Angel's joke as "offensive" and "regrettable." Here is the video:


This is an English translation of part of what END published today:

"That should disturb all Puerto Ricans, wherever they are, because you should not stereotype, do not generalize. There's a drug problem here as there is in other parts of the world, including within the United States," Pierluisi said.

"It was unfortunate. I hope that the show does not get repeated, that the program does not get broadcast again. It hurt, as [Nolasco] must have hurt all Puerto Ricans, who think that all Puerto Ricans sell drugs," Pierluisi continued.

Pierluisi also stated that for every Puerto Rican who fall into the trap of drugs, thousands of Puerto Ricans contribute to the quality of life of the island and the United States.

He noted that although he has not sent a letter to ABC, which broadcasts the program, to demand an apology, Pierluisi does support the statements of Puerto Rican Congressmen from New York, Jose Serrano and Nydia Velazquez, who already asked for an apology from ABC.

"I will support that and I will make public statements like I'm doing now," Pierluisi said.

The ABC fiasco has caused a social media frenzy.