Just When You Thought Hillary Clinton Couldn’t Hispander Any More, She Did It Again

Dec 22, 2015
1:45 PM

UPDATE, December 23, 2015: The Clinton campaign’s Latino outreach director responded to the criticism, as reported by NBC News.

Earlier this year, we wrote an editorial about how the Hillary Clinton campaign produced one crazy insulting example of Hispandering. But just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, an official post from the Clinton campaign written today just scaled the Hispandering from a 10 to an 11.

That tweet took us to this post on HillaryClinton.com:

7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela

She isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto.

After that, it spirals into a pit of Hispandering despair, with quotes, images, gifs and this listicle:

  1. She worries about children everywhere …
  2. She knows what’s best …
  3. She reacts this way when people le faltan el respeto …
  4. She reads to you before bedtime …
  5. She isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto (especially when it comes to women) …
  6. She likes to highlight accomplishments …
  7. and she had one word for Donald Trump …

Then there is this:

Everybody loves abuela—even this guy.

Insert photo of Marc Anthony.

And don’t forget to “Add your name for more abuela updates.”

Please stop. Just stop. This is bad. Really bad. If this is where the Clinton campaign is going, it might as well just be completely transparent about the fact that all it wants to do is Hispander like no one has Hispandered every before. The Clinton team might as well just upload this meme to the campaign site and call it a day.


Young Latino voters are not stupid. They are actually informed and can sense when someone is authentically reaching out and when someone is just lowering the bar. Enough with the lowering of the bar. The Clinton campaign needs to get serious about the young Latino vote and start respecting it. Votes are earned, not expected.

By the way, we aren’t the only ones saying this. Just check out #NotMyAbuela on Twitter today:

Then there is this one: