National Police Union Hopes Trump’s First 100 Days Put End to Sanctuary Cities & Immigrant Protections

Dec 19, 2016
9:01 PM


The following document posted below has been floating around for a few weeks, but this evening we finally took a moment to read it with more detail. The document is essentially a Trump First 100 Days Wish List from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the largest police union in the country with over 300,000 members.

If you just go ahead and read the two pages, you will see that FOP is telling its members that a President Trump will do away with sanctuary cities, end protections for DACA recipients and change the government’s views on private prisons (as in a Trump administration will want more private prisons. And oh yeah, for those who think this is focused only on immigration, looks like racial profiling would be welcome by the FOP, too. And they even have an opinion about Cuba.

Here’s the full document for you to read and inform yourself:

But why should you worry, right? The police would never act like immigration agents, right? And the FOP also added this “disclaimer” at the end:

“PLEASE NOTE: This document is a predictive summary of potential actions that the Trump Administration may take in its first 100 days and is based on statements from the campaign and media reports up to the time the document was distributed to FOP members. It is not an advocacy document and does not represent the FOP’s agenda for the first 100 days of the incoming Administration. It is an advisory to our members as to what may happen when the new Administration takes over.

Wait a minute, it’s just a document of Trump’s campaign promises? Now we have a checklist and maybe we should all worry.