Carlos Rodríguez
Nuestro Trabajo/Our Job: A Poem
I’m burning up/there are very few numbers left
I Pledge: A Poem
I pledge allegiance to the tears and to the sweat and to the blood…
Resisting Empire: A Poem
“We are the people of the sun.”
‘The Wetbacks’ by Carlos Rodríguez
A poem about being Latino in an election year.
Poem to Donald Trump From the ‘Masses’ of the Statue of Liberty
Dedicated to my greatest teachers—the immigrant population of the United States. To those that like many of my family members, who suffer under a broken and racist immigration system, have not yet been able to bury their dead or cry at their graves. Nothing more powerful than the New York Subway In its serendipity led […]
Lloramos en español también: Why Our Tears for Charleston Come in Two Languages
The tears in that Spanish-speaking bible study Wednesday after Wednesday would be a part of the long process of healing. For two years, my 16-year-old soul opened up in these meetings. Most of the other participants were Latino immigrants who had just crisscrossed the continent or children of immigrants like myself still learning how to […]
An Open Letter to Senator Marco Rubio
Dear Senator Marco Rubio, I must say that much of your announcement yesterday resonated with me. I saw a lot of myself in you. I also reminisce on the keys dangling outside the door at midnight when my father got back from work. What did you say about el “sueño americano”? I know it well. […]