Guest Contributor
La Realidad: The Realities of Anti-Mexicanism (A Paradigm)
Anti-Mexicanism in the United States is a race-premised set of historical and contemporary ascriptions, convictions and discriminatory practices.
Macehualli Day Laborers Are Directly Responsible for the Defeat of Joe Arpaio
The rise and fall of Sheriff Joe needs to be seen from the perspective of the affected communities, day laborers and their families.
Miami-Dade Democratic Progressive Caucus Opposes Stephen Bittel for Florida DNC Chair
“Let’s fight and make the Democrats the party of the people once again, from the bottom up.”
For a 50 State-Latino Plan to Move Forward the Democratic Party’s Agenda (OPINION)
The Latino community has achieved much, but we are in need of a national strategy that empowers our communities beyond Washington.
A Tribute Remembering Ramón “Chunky” Sánchez
Chunky was an institution, el Corazón y Alma del Movimiento Chicano y su gente.
To My Unborn Latino Child
“You were conceived and will be birthed at a time in which a presidential candidate for the GOP called your Mexican community rapists and drug dealers.”
Latinx LGBTQ+ and the Post-Orlando World
“It is more prudent and timely than ever to examine our implicit biases and disrupt any oppressive ideologies present within our communities.”
Why I Will Continue to Protest President Obama
The first in a multi-part series coordinated by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network highlighting the voices of the workers and day laborers on the frontlines of the immigration debate.
Rostros del arte kichwa: Ariruma Kowii y su poesía para construir el futuro
“Para mí, el referente principal es la realidad de mi pueblo, de mi entorno.”
Rostros del arte kichwa: Eriberto Gualinga y sus documentales de la selva
Nos tildan de un pueblo problemático, un pueblo peligroso. Quería mostrar la otra cara de mi pueblo: un pueblo pacífico que reclama derechos.
José (Joshi) Espinosa y su cine experimental: Cinco rostros del arte indígena kichwa (III)
En esta tercera entrega, Brianne Burke y Meghan Tunno entrevistan a José (Joshi) Espinosa, cineasta kichwa de Otavalo.
Ana Cachimuel y la música nativa de Yarina: Cinco rostros del arte indígena kichwa (V)
En esta quinta y última entrega, Nicholas P. Pezzote entrevista a Ana Cachimuel, representante de relaciones públicas del grupo musical Yarina, nombre kichwa que significa recuerdos en español.
Lucila Lema y su poesía de amor a la naturaleza: Cinco rostros del arte indígena kichwa (IV)
En esta cuarta entrega, Colleen Dehais y Benjamin Clabault entrevistan a la poeta Lucila Lema, originaria del pueblo kichwa otavalo, en Ecuador.
An Open Letter to Cubans and Cuban-Americans (With Love and Respect)
If you’re going to stand for freedom then, let’s be a voice for ALL who don’t have it.
The Deferred Racial Revolution in Cuba
More than 50 years after the Cuban Revolution first promised to eliminate racial inequality, will Afro-Cubans finally experience social mobility once U.S. sanctions are lifted?
OP-ED: On Immigration We Can’t Trust the Clintons
We will not be silent as a true friend and ally like Sanders is demonized unjustly for political reasons.
What About Sierra Blanca, Bernie?
From his push to bury Vermont’s nuclear waste near the Mexican border, to his refusal to consider reparations for blacks, Bernie Sanders’s actions prove he’s no revolutionary.
How Wall Street and U.S. Colonialism Created Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis
A people’s history of Puerto Rico’s longtime economic, fiscal and political crises.
Environmental Justice Is a Latino Issue and Will Influence Our Vote
Why Latinos concerned with the environment should vote for Bernie Sanders.
Maquiladora Workers Protest in Pursuit of Just Wages and an Independent Union in Juárez
Workers at a Lexmark plant in Juárez, Mexico were fired a few days before Christmas after they demanded that their employer keep to a promised 35-cent per day raise.
An Interview with Lorraine M. López, Author of ‘The Darling’
“Writers of any ethnicity should be free to write the kind of literature they choose, without performing culture to satisfy the mainstream reader’s preconceptions.”