L.A. Taco
When One School Is Wedged Onto Another and Starts Taking Its Space: An L.A. Campus Story
Scenes like this are playing out across Los Angeles this week as L.A.’s public-school teachers go on a historic strike.
Teachers Strike Updates: L.A. Strongly Supports Teachers, New LMU Survey Shows
“I believe that there are resources available to end this strike,” School Board Member Scott M. Schmerelson said.
The Strike Is On! Updates from the L.A. Teachers Strike
It began officially at 7am local time on Monday, January 14. Rain and tacos greeted picketers.
Not Messing Around: Sheriff Will ‘Physically Remove’ ICE From County Jails
“We are going to physically remove ICE from the county jails,” Alex Villanueva said at the Truth Act Community Forum.
LA Sheriff Vows to Roll Out Body Cams: Alex Villanueva’s First Sit-Down Interview as Sheriff-Elect of LA County
He has upended the political establishment.
Columbus Comes Down: How a ‘Symbol of Atrocity’ Finally Became a Moment of Healing
A statue of explorer Christopher Columbus that stood for 45 years in downtown L.A.’s Grand Park was removed Saturday after a healing ceremony and speeches by Native Americans.