William García-Medina
Who Is the ‘Negrito/a/x?’ (OPINION)
If JLo is a “Negrita del Bronx,” then what do we call a Black Puerto Rican woman from the Bronx?
Cuando las vidas negras no importan: How Puerto Ricans Can Change Conversations on Race and Racism
Race in Puerto Rico has always been associated with phenotype and ancestry. The false discourse of “we’re all mixed” has led to systemic racism being dismissed or reduced to phenotype.
The Burial of Chianita La Negra: White Fragility and Blackface in Puerto Rico
Raising the issue of eradicating blackface in Puerto Rico, the anti-Chianita protests also represents a woken Black population who are fed up with the abuse.
Why Puerto Rico’s Black Olympic Athletes Need to Speak Out Against Island’s Racism
I urge Black Puerto Rican athletes to become a symbol not just for Puerto Rico but also for Black communities.
White Latino Racism on the Rise: It’s Time for a Serious Conversation on Euro-Diasporic Whiteness
A common misconnection that exists today rests on the notion that there are no racial hierarchies in Latin American countries or within the Latino communities in the United States.
The Political Courage of Tego Calderón
How the Puerto Rican media runs away from the truth
Blackface, Brownface and Black Lives Matter in Latin America
When many of us see Black faces on Spanish-speaking outlets, our heart rate increases. The left hemisphere of our brains becomes more stimulated. We are in disbelief—a surge of cortisol hormone increases and our rational prefrontal lobes shut down. The vast majority of Latinos in the United States refuse to discuss or even have conversations about […]
A Case of Hysteriography: War Against All Puerto Ricans?
Author’s note: This creative essay was a collaboration between Rafael Acevedo-Cruz, Jorge Román Ortiz, Omaris Zamora Reyes and William García Medina. The Spanish version of this piece is here. Part I A play in two acts in a small public auditorium The plot: Nelson A. Denis recently published a book about a history of Puerto […]
Un caso de histeriografía: War Against All Puerto Ricans?
Nota del autor: Este ensayo creativo fue una colaboración con Rafael Acevedo-Cruz, Jorge Román Ortíz, Omaris Zamora Reyes y yo, William García Medina. La versión en inglés se encuentra aquí. Parte I Drama en dos actos en algún pequeño auditorio público La trama: Nelson A. Denis publicó recientemente un libro sobre una historia de Puerto Rico titulado […]
Los estudios sociales y el taíno en Puerto Rico: ¿Y el negro, dónde está?
Cuando leí sobre el esfuerzo del Departamento de Educación en eliminar las clases de estudios sociales quede consternado en creer que tal cosa fuera posible. El Secretario de Educación Rafael Román Meléndez y subsecretario de Asuntos Académicos Harry Valentín Gonzales incoherentemente aprobaron una carta circular para integrar las clases de español y estudios sociales de […]