A New ‘Hey Vato’ Episode Is Out: STAREDOWN
Our favorite puppets have a new episode. For more, go to Hey Vato.
Who Gave Sean #Penndejo a Green Card?: Latest #RebelReport Is Out
Watch as R.J. Aguiar of “Rebel Report” weaves the #Penndejo with history.
Things Black Latinos Are Sick of Hearing (VIDEO)
“You are like so diverse.”
Don’t Be a #Penndejo
In perhaps one of the most boring Oscars ever (excluding one incredible acceptance speech by Common and John Legend), the last five minutes of the broadcast got everyone worked up. It happened when actor Sean Penn muttered the following right before letting the world know that Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Birdman won Best Picture: As expected, […]
Screw the Oscars: #RebelReport Has Its Own Awards (VIDEO)
Why waste four hours watching the Academy Awards when you can just catch “Rebel Report” host R.J. Aguiar give out the Golden Llama Awards in just five minutes.
An Open Letter to All Those Puerto Rican Powerball Haters: Suck It
The United States of America, my home, has a working relationship with my ancestral home, Puerto Rico. For better or worse, the relationship exists. I understand that there are arguments on both sides of the coin. There are those that favor the Commonwealth and statehood, while others want a completely independent Puerto Rico. This domain […]
How a Silly Story About Puerto Rico’s Powerball Winner Became Our Most Popular Post Ever
I’ll admit: when our group decided to do a quick goofy story about really insane Twitter reactions to the news that one of the winning Powerball tickets came from Puerto Rico, there was nothing out of the ordinary. We had done these types of stories for years, and quite frankly, we had been doing less […]
A Winning Powerball Ticket Came From Puerto Rico: Let the Ignorance Begin
So last night’s Powerball drawing had three big winners: one in North Carolina, one in Texas and one in Puerto Rico. As you might expect, news of the Puerto Rico winner is getting the ignorant few a bit testy this morning. First up, one of our Rebeldes of El Paso told us that KLAQ’s Lisa […]
We Finally Get a Latina Disney Princess… Maybe?: New #RebelReport Episode
It’s the weekend. Time for a new #RebelReport. This week, R.J. is taking about Disney’s new Latina princess.
Please, Let’s All Shut Up About #Deflategate (VIDEO)
Another week, another new #RebelReport. This week, R.J. talks “Deflategate.”
Harvard Business Review’s ‘Mariachi Conference Call’ Tweet
You have to give it up to our friend Laura Martínez of Mi blog es tu blog. Last night, Laura found this ridiculous gem, an actual tweet from the Twitter account of Harvard Business Review: As you might imagine, huh? ¿Qué qué? @julito77 @miblogestublog @HarvardBiz They needed a photo of people asleep while sitting. We […]
The Story That Almost Shut Down Our Facebook Page
Facebook. There was a time when the social media behemoth actually was a fun place. Now it seems that it is more like a utility company: it might not be that exciting, you have to pay if you really want to play, but you still can’t live without it. We do remember when Facebook had […]
Another New #RebelReport: ‘Republicans Don’t Like Us’ (VIDEO)
With all the noise surrounding the RNC and Univision, R.J. Aguiar shares his thoughts on the newest “Rebel Report.” Watch.
New ‘Nightly Show’ Covers Cuba and the Discussion Was Real (VIDEO)
Last night Larry Wilmore’s “Nightly Show” covered Cuba. Outside of the typical cigar and rum jokes, it was a pretty good discussion. The show doesn’t embed videos yet, but click on the link here or on the photo below.
Subtitle Hell: Spanish Version of #SOTU Is Hilariously Sad
UPDATE, 11:15AM ET, January 21, 2015: The
Newest #RebelReport Episode: Latinos Killed by Police (VIDEO)
This week’s episode of “Rebel Report” has host R.J. Aguiar sharing his thoughts about three other tragedies very few people know about: Andy Lopez, Alex Nieto and David Sal Silva.
Things White Latinos Are Sick of Hearing (VIDEO)
So the very talented Joanna Hausmann just shared her latest Flama video with us. It needs no more explanation.
Al Madrigal’s ‘Half Like Me’ Premieres January 22: The World Just Got Better
For the record, we flipping love Al Madrigal, so we have no problem shamelessly promoting his January 22 “Half Like Me” special on Fusion. Here is the trailer. (PS, yeah that’s Lalo Alcaraz and Gustavo Arellano, too) (H/T @hugobalta)
The First ‘Rebel Report’ of 2015: R.J.’s New Year Resolutions (VIDEO)
After taking a break for the holidays, a new “Rebel Report” with host R.J. Aguiar is out. This week, R.J. shares his resolutions for 2015. For more episodes, catch them here. Post by Flama.
This Is What Passes for ‘Satire’ These Days: Illegal Immigrant Barbie
Chuckle, chuckle, oh these witty comedy sites. Take the example of the latest “satire” written by Janet Eve Josselyn for the Points in Case site. Josselyn —who calls Dover, Massachusetts, her home (you should know that Dover is one really white and rich town)— decided to get all “witty” with her “humor” in a piece called […]
The Speech President Obama Should Give Right Now on Puerto Rico
Now that President Obama has spoken about immigration and Cuba, the White House has several speech templates it can adapt to pay attention to the one issue no one wants to discuss but is just as important: Puerto Rico. Understanding that Puerto Rico might not be a priority for the Obama administration, not to worry. […]