XIXA: Redefining Latin Rock
“It is obviously a twisted time to be an immigrant in America — especially where we live in Tucson, just one hour from the border. But it’s only brought the Mexican community closer together.”
Latino Rebels Deputy Editor Featured in NPR ‘Latinx’ Story
One very intelligent conversation occurred this weekend.
Spanish: The Least Common Thing Hispanics Share
Over 500 years after the Spaniards invaded what we now call the Americas, is there a “correct” Spanish anymore?
Peru’s ‘Malcriadas’ (VIDEO)
When a Peruvian newspaper began displaying half-naked women in its pages under the heading “Malcriadas,” one young woman thought of a way to turn that label on its head.
Coming Up to the Surface: ‘Agua Limpia’ and Cookies
How a recent tweet in Spanish from Hillary Clinton’s campaign sparked a debate over proper language and hyper-correction.
Why Is Chris Matthews Still Obsessed with ‘the Cuban Guys’?
MSNBC’s Hardball Chris Matthews performs another acrobatic foot-to-mouth faux pas last night. You heard that right. In the heels of his November 2015, claim that Cruz and Rubio should even be considered Hispanic, he dared to bash a Trumpless debate stating: “Who is going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys?” the Hardball […]
Why Latinos Never Vote
Year after year, Latinos insist on making the Latino vote mostly irrelevant. What is it about Latinos that keeps them away from the polls?
A State of Intolerance
Two stories from the Volunteer State, where many people are refusing to voluntarily accept Latinos and LGBTs as equal citizens.
Saturday Morning Fever: A Chat with Latina Dancer Marissa Rivera
“The way mainstream media’s depiction of Latinos is just very stereotypical. We are a very strong and unified culture that needs to break out of the mainstream media.”
Taking Latinos to the Next Level in Hollywood: Rick Najera Directs CBS Diversity Sketch Comedy Showcase 2016
Creating Opportunities for Latinos in Hollywood: Rick Najera Directs CBS Diversity Sketch Comedy Showcase LOS ANGELES, CA – Developing Latino and diverse talent in Hollywood is something Rick Najera has carefully crafted for the past two decades. This January 19th through 23rd, Najera will once again spotlight diversity and emerging talent through the annual CBS Diversity Sketch […]
Tío Tomás’ Cabin: Marco Rubio and White Cubanidad
Marco Rubio is not a sellout, but the product of an old conservative Cuban-American ideology and ethnic white privilege.
Globalfest: Leading the Ecosystem for World Music
Globalfest returns for its 13th edition on Sunday, January 17, at Webster Hall in New York City. Latino Rebels spoke with two of its organizers.
From Chicano Punk to Poet Laureate: Juan Felipe Herrera
“There is no fear in art.”
The Lowdown on ‘The Get Down’
Netflix’s upcoming series directed by Baz Luhrmann will present the sights and sounds of the Bronx during the formative 1970s.
The ‘Latino Vote’ Is More Than Just a Number… and so Much More Than Immigration Reform
It’s time to just admit that the “Latino vote” is way too complicated to put into a box.
The Revolution Must Be Accessible
Latinos still lack the economic and social capital to take advantage of the opportunities of the innovation economy.
César Vargas: American Dreamer
“The Latino community deserves respect. We need someone that respects our philosophy and our culture.”
Supporting Our Local Businesses: Dining With La Guelaguetza
Hispanics must make a greater effort to support small businesses, and there’s no more delicious place to start than with local restaurants.
Curiosidades y lucha: Una entrevista con Carmen Zuvieta sobre Mijente y Lánzate
Una conversación con la organizadora de la comunidad y activista sobre el lanzamiento de Mijente.
Curiosidades y Lucha: An Interview with Carmen Zuvieta About Mijente’s Lánzate/The Jump Off
A conversation with the community organizer and activist on the launching of Mijente.
White Latino Racism on the Rise: It’s Time for a Serious Conversation on Euro-Diasporic Whiteness
A common misconnection that exists today rests on the notion that there are no racial hierarchies in Latin American countries or within the Latino communities in the United States.