What the Neo-Nativists Say About Mexico, Vicente Fox and Donald Trump
People in the United States actually think like this.
‘Hamilton’ Is Too Tan for the Internet
Last Monday night at exactly 9:30 pm EST everyone in America skipped a heartbeat while witnessing an epic performance at the Grammys. Introduced by our political humorist lord and savior, Stephen Colbert, everyone enjoyed the opening number, “Alexander Hamilton” of the Broadway musical Hamilton. A few 1,200 guests witnessed it live, at the Richard […]
After Partnering with mitú, NCLR Condemns Network’s Host for Inappropriate Language (VIDEO)
Both groups were forced to release statements after a mitú host uses a derogatory term to describe former secretary of State and current Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
No, Donald Trump Is Not ‘Winning Over’ Latino Republicans in Newest ‘National Poll’
Talk about fuzzy math.
Why Is Chris Matthews Still Obsessed with ‘the Cuban Guys’?
MSNBC’s Hardball Chris Matthews performs another acrobatic foot-to-mouth faux pas last night. You heard that right. In the heels of his November 2015, claim that Cruz and Rubio should even be considered Hispanic, he dared to bash a Trumpless debate stating: “Who is going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys?” the Hardball […]
A State of Intolerance
Two stories from the Volunteer State, where many people are refusing to voluntarily accept Latinos and LGBTs as equal citizens.
Apparently Hollywood Can’t Even Find White Mexican-American Actors to Play White Mexican-Americans
Because it so hard to find a white Mexican-American actor in Southern California these days.
How to Interview a Drug Lord
Provide full disclosure that the entire interview was approved by both the greatest and gentlest drug kingpin that ever lived.
MTV Australia Thinks America Ferrera and Eva Longoria Can’t Speak English
Oh, you Aussies, you.
Kansas Rep Slammed for Sharing Racist Facebook Meme
“I did not create the image, but I did share it, which was in bad taste. I regret that decision.”
Latinos Running Across Border in Trump Ad Are Really Africans in Morocco (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has just released its first official TV spot, in which everything is not nearly what it appears to be.
Miss Puerto Rico Suspended Indefinitely for Anti-Muslim Tweets
Miss Vélez’s actions were in contradiction to the organization, and therefore as a consequence of her actions, she has been suspended indefinitely.
Donald Trump Adviser Says Latinos ‘That Don’t Like Trump Aren’t Even Here Legally’
An actual adviser to Donald Trump said this about Latinos: “And that’s OK because the ones that don’t like Trump aren’t even here legally and they can’t vote, so it doesn’t really matter, right?”
Coca-Cola Mexico Said It Only Paid Individual Non-Indigenous Actors
“Actors were paid and the agreement with the community was to receive a donation.”
Coca-Cola Ad in Mexico Commercializes and Legitimizes ‘White Savior’ Complex
“I am speechless. I am without speech.”
There Are OREO Churros in This World? Oh, The Horror
Just when you think cultural foods can’t be appropriated any longer, along comes OREO to mess it all up for you.
Louisville President After Mexican Costume Issue: I Will Recruit More Latinos
“I deeply regret the Halloween costumes worn by my staff and me. We made a mistake wearing a costume that misrepresents the culture of Mexicans and Mexican Americans…”
Chris Matthews Thinks Rubio and Cruz Are ‘Cuban Nationals’ and Not ‘Hispanic’
Yes, white progressive elites have their own issues when it comes to lacking any understanding about the how politically diverse Latinos are in this country. You would think they would know this by now. They don’t.
From ‘Saturday Night Live’ to #NotOneDime: A Guide to Dumping Trump
Now that Saturday Night Live has come and gone and Trump is still on the warpath, here’s a 10-point plan that Latinos can draw from for their next move.
Keep Calm and Vote
Why Latinos should be more afraid of their sleeping giant than of big bad Trump.