
Here We Go Again: Our Annual Post About Cinco de Mayo Fail Moments

It must be May, just days before Cinco de Mayo, because several companies and organizations have got it going on big time in the Stereotype Department this year. What follows are just four examples people shared with us today via our social networks. (Safe to say there are many more.) First off, let’s look at […]

  • May 1, 2014
  • 5:34 PM

Tea Party Patriots Allegedly Threaten High School Students During Cinco de Mayo Town Meeting

In what has become a contentious issue for the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, CA, emails sent to Latino Rebels tonight about upcoming Pro-US Flag Cinco de Mayo protests in front of Live Oak High School, allege that some pro-protest Tea Party members were threatening students at a local town meeting, even causing one […]

  • Apr 29, 2014
  • 10:49 PM

Anti-Cinco de Mayo Facebook Event Reminds Followers: RED WHITE AND BLUE DO NOT RUN!

Looks like Cinco de Mayo 2014 is moving away from 2013 stereotypical ignorance to a new wave in patriotic nativism. Yesterday, we shared a story from California, where a school district had to warn parents that the safety of students could be in jeopardy on May 5. That decision by Morgan Hill Unified School District […]

  • Apr 29, 2014
  • 4:33 PM

Cinco de Mayo Pro-US Flag Rallies Attract Calls for Violence Against High School Students

With every cause, there is an effect. For a California school district, the cause is the prospect of rallies to celebrate American patriotism and protest a court ruling banning students from wearing US flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. The effect of the rallies’s promotion and subsequent hate language being used by supporters have led to […]

  • Apr 28, 2014
  • 3:59 PM

Oscar Mayer Spanish Ad Wants to Flash Its Turkey to You

Leave it to the fabulosa Laura Martínez of “Mi blog es tu blog” for finding this nugget. Apparently, according to Laura (btw, follow her @miblogestublog), the folks at Oscar Mayer posted the following ad in People en español: For those of you playing at home, this ad suggests some random flasher showing off his turkey […]

  • Apr 21, 2014
  • 6:51 PM

Why Slate’s Piece About Latinos Becoming the Next Whites Failed

In a United States that is becoming more diverse every day, new questions about race, ethnicity and identity regularly appear in mainstream publications and discussions. Central to these debates is the country’s growing Latino population. These days, it seems every editorial outlet in the country has to write about Latinos (demographics! advertising!), even when those outlets’ Latino […]

  • Apr 18, 2014
  • 1:04 AM

Florida Senate President Fears Some Undocumented Students Come From Terrorist Countries

Meet Florida Senate President Don Gaetz (R), who earlier today said the following about a proposed state bill (SB 1400) that would give undocumented students the ability to pay in-state tuition rates at Florida’s public universities and colleges: To give that quote some more context, here is more of what Gaetz said about SB 1400, […]

  • Apr 18, 2014
  • 12:44 AM

SNL Fails Again: Now It’s Non-Latino Kenan Thompson Mocking Dominicano Legend David Ortiz

UPDATE, November 23, 2015: Thompson revisited Big Papi again. And we haven’t changed our opinion. Now we REALLY know that NBC’s Saturday Night Live does not give a crap when it comes to mocking Latinos. A few weeks back, we saw a non-Latina (Cecily Strong) fail with perhaps one of the most unfunny loud Latina […]

  • Apr 13, 2014
  • 1:45 PM

McDonald’s Thinks Latinos Like Waking Up in the Morning to Roosters (VIDEO)

A few days ago, one of our Twitter followers (Tomás Vera) raised an interesting point: @dadkind @McDonalds seriously? No way, do you have a link? That is crazy. — Latino Rebels (@latinorebels) April 5, 2014 We kept tweeting back and forth: @dadkind ok! once you get it pass it on we will looks as well! […]

  • Apr 12, 2014
  • 5:55 PM

Chairman of Orange County Republicans Claims Puerto Ricans Are Semi-Socialists

This is a statement that The Orlando Sentinel got from Lew Oliver, chairman of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee, in response to a story that the Florida county is getting more and more blue: Voter registration stats are nearly perfect reflections of demographics or national trends, rather than local efforts. Actually we’re a little […]

  • Apr 8, 2014
  • 4:51 PM

Meet the Texas Republican Who Wants to Organize a “César Chávez” Style Boycott

Say hello to David Bradley, one of the 10 Republicans who are part of the Texas State Board of Education (SBoE). In response to an Associated Press reporter’s question about a vote to have Mexican American Studies (MAS) be part of the state’s formal curriculum, this is what Bradley said: We wonder what Bradley would […]

  • Apr 8, 2014
  • 11:20 AM

Fear-Mongering Breitbart Video Leads to Rep. Steve King Telling DREAMers to Go Back to Tijuana

¡PENDEJO ALERT! Let the fear-mongering begin. The following “news” (cue dramatic music) by faux outlet Breitbart has American’s Favorite Pendejo, Rep. Steve King of Iowa (R), talking ignorance. Again. Here is the “shocking” video: Here is what King told Breitbart (we emphasized the big nugget for you): If we’re going to put out the bait, […]

  • Apr 4, 2014
  • 11:59 AM

Obamacare’s Spanish Twitter Marketing Push All About Empanadas and Soccer Balls

The March 31 open enrollment deadline for the Affordable Health Care Act (ACT), also known as Obamacare, is fast approaching and the Twitter profile of is making a final push for signups with what is one perplexing ad campaign. Here are just some of the tweets: “3: the # of picante bottles you have […]

  • Mar 29, 2014
  • 10:26 AM

No, Actor Luis Guzmán Is NOT El Chapo Guzmán

For a second, we really thought that this was all fake, but alas, it is not. It all started with this tweet: The Lakewood Shopper uses actor @IAmLuisGuzman‘s pic instead of Druglord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s. @BuzzFeedAndrew — Malei Rikud (@MaleiRikud) March 5, 2014 That tweet led to a story by Elite Daily, which […]

  • Mar 8, 2014
  • 9:00 PM

Dominican Republic’s Culture of Ministry: KKK Troupe in Carnival Was Criticizing Racist Past

In response to a troupe dressed in KKK outfits at the Dominican Republic’s Carnival in Santo Domingo this Sunday, the country’s Ministry of Culture said that the troupe was speaking out against the KKK’s past and was not celebrating the organization, according to a statement published today in Spanish. Here is a translation of what […]

  • Mar 4, 2014
  • 2:36 PM

KKK Costumes Used at Santo Domingo Carnival in Dominican Republic

UPDATE, March 4, 2014: People who questioned the validity of the photo need to know that it is real. El Nuevo Herald in Miami also published it in a photo gallery by Chilean photographer Orlando Barría. This year’s Dominican Carnival concluded yesterday in the capital city of Santo Domingo. It featured 180 processions, representing the […]

  • Mar 3, 2014
  • 9:58 PM

Ad Agency Defends UN “Juanito the Illegal Immigrant” Campaign

After asking award-winning ad agency 72 and Sunny for comment about its latest UNHATE “Juanito the Illegal Immigrant” awareness campaign produced in association with the United Nations’ Department of Public Information and Benetton, Latino Rebels received an email response from an agency spokesperson defending the creative and editorial choices made for Juanito 2014: Thanks for […]

  • Feb 25, 2014
  • 9:23 AM

Real Email Promo Sent by Ad Agency: “Benetton & UN Create Illegal Immigrant Candidate for Governor of Arizona”

This story starts when the main Latino Rebels account received an email from someone at 72andSunny, “a full service, modern communications company, recently named ‘Agency of the Year’ by Advertising Age,” according to the agency’s website. The subject line to the email read: “Benetton & UN Create Illegal Immigrant Candidate for Governor of Arizona.” At first we […]

  • Feb 24, 2014
  • 11:52 PM

Must Be a New Year: Columbia Sorority Latest to Dress Up as “Mexicans”

Does anyone not search the Internet before they consider new college parties? We guess not. The latest example of in cultural appropriation comes from Columbia University, as reported by the school’s paper, The Columbia Spectator: Two Facebook photos posted and later removed showed students in Columbia’s chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority wearing sombreros, […]

  • Feb 23, 2014
  • 5:13 PM

Yes, The Associated Press Wrote a Story About “Hispanic-Style Cheese” Listeria Outbreak

In all seriousness, a story about listeria leading to one death and making three newborns sick is tragic, but we are still scratching our heads when we saw the following headline from an Associated Press article, as well as the first sentence from that very same article: Thinking it was a joke, we Googled the […]

  • Feb 22, 2014
  • 5:17 PM

Univision’s Zimmerman Interview Hits a Shamefully New Low

We refuse to link back to Univision’s interview with George Zimmerman for a very simple reason: it was shameful. There is so much to be said about why the country’s largest Spanish-speaking network decided to interview a man whose only claim to fame was that he shot Trayvon Martin to death. What Univision did last […]

  • Feb 17, 2014
  • 8:02 AM

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