Anaheim Blogger Slammed for “Satire” Post Mocking Tragedy of Slain Latino Youth
UPDATE: For Gustavo Arellano’s excellent local take on all this, go here. Here is another reason why everyone having a blog might not be a such a great idea. As reported yesterday by the Voice of OC (Orange County, CA), “a conservative blogger funded by the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce posted a photo ridiculing the […]
Frack U. Mexico (VIDEO)
Yes, this is satire, a unique collaboration between Narco News and Alianza Mexicana contra el Fracking. But it hits too close to home. Frack U. Mexico. Dirigido por Greg “Gringoyo” Berger. Guión de Al Giordano. ¡Buenas noticias! México tiene la cuarta reserva más grande en el mundo de gas de lutitas (gas shale) y el […]
After Getting Slammed for Racist Xenophobic Video Game Image, Tea Party Group Removes It and Blames “Liberal Trolls”
Here is a lesson for all the tea party pages out there on Facebook. When expressing your political opinions on social media, you MIGHT want to refrain from posting these types of images: Yes, that is exactly what The National Liberty Foundation shared on its Facebook page over the weekend. Yes the very same West […]
Pro-Apartheid Texas GOP (and Latina) Leader Shares Bizarre Anti-Semitic and Islamaphobic Tweets, Too
Last week we wrote about story of Cuban American Sara Legvold, a executive committee member of the Texas GOP, who expressed her support for apartheid on a Facebook page for Latino conservatives. Legvold’s comments were brought to the attention of the Texas GOP, who issued a statement basically saying that even though they don’t agree […]
Florida Eye Doctor Offers Free Eye Exams… Only If You Are a U.S. Citizen, Though
You have got to be kidding us. As usual, we got this one from Twitter. Here is the tweet: @latinorebels #NoMames “@Gonzpalacio: @ginavergel7 Notice the fine print on the coupon What’s up with that?” — ginavergel (@ginavergel7) December 14, 2013 And this is the image from that tweet: So we cropped it and read […]
NPR Thinks La Virgen de Guadalupe Is Like Hello Kitty
Chalk this one up as a huh? Today via NPR (click on image for the actual audio segment or go here): We did think about this some more and felt that it missed the marked (and within 5 seconds, someone will tell us that we were “offended”). Here are our reasons: Could NPR’s editors taken a […]
Yes, Bloomingdale’s Is Selling a “Latina Dining Chair”
We really wish we were kidding here, but we are not. Bloomingdale’s has an actual “Latina Dining Chair” product. Here is the link. (Quick, click on it before they take it down.) Here is what the Bloomie’s is saying about this “Latina Dining Chair:” Contemporary style with traditional appeal–our Latina dining chair boasts an undeniably […]
Ponce Man Says His “Puerto Rico ID” Not Valid at Massachusetts Bowling Alley
A Facebook post by a Ponce, Puerto Rico resident visiting an AMF bowling alley in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts is getting some attention after he claimed that the bowling alley refused his Puerto Rican ID because, according to him, Puerto Rico wasn’t “part of the continental U.S.” despite the fact that it did accept Hawaiian and Alaskan […]
Meet This Texas GOP Executive Committee Member (Latina, BTW): Apartheid Defender, Stormfront Poster and Immigrant Hater
Sara Legvold is an executive committee member of Texas’ Republican Party. Say hi to her: Legvold is of Cuban descent, a refugee from the current Cuban government. She is in her mid 50s and came to this country when she was a little girl. According to reports, Legvold is “originally from Cuba and now a […]
FOX’s Megyn Kelly Reports DC Whistleblower’s “Shocking” Revelation About Immigration DHS Hires
Yes, this was an actual exclusive report by FOX’s Megyn Kelly. To say it’s hilarious is an understatement. Looks like the Department of Homeland Security is hiring (gasp, dramatic music) immigration lawyers! From leftist immigrant rights groups! Latino radicals! The horror! Watch the latest video at Adams actually DID file a report about this […]
Gawker Really Had to Explain to the World What Argentine Mate Actually Is
We are 100% convinced that the content obsession about Pope Francis has reached its bitter end when Gawker’s Ken Layne published a piece yesterday entitled, “Pople Drank: What’s Up With Pope Francis and His Pipe Thing?” and it got over 30,000 reads. This post basically explained to the culturally ignorant what mate is, and how (shocking) […]
Aide to Wisconsin’s Governor Walker Fired for “Illegal Mex” and “Illegal Aliens” Tweets
Here’s one from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, proving once again that ignorance still knows no bounds, whether it is in the analog world or the social media world: For the second time in less than four months, Gov. Scott Walker has fired an aide for making demeaning comments about Hispanics on social media. Walker — who has been calling on […]
Texas Principal Tries to Ban Students from Speaking Spanish at Middle School: She Failed
This insanely sad story comes from Hempstead, Texas. All you need to do is see the screen grab. Yeah, it’s true. Here’s the video of the story from local Houston media. As you can imagine, the story is getting reaction from our community. Just a few of the thoughts we are getting: @latinorebels taking a […]
Obama Said What About Immigrants? (VIDEO)
So the following video clip of President Obama speaking at Dreamworks earlier this week has gone viral: This is the snippet of what he said: As I was getting a tour of DreamWorks, I didn’t ask, but just looking at faces I could tell there were some folks who are here not because they were […]
The Colony Lives: Black Friday in Puerto Rico
Yeah, while you hear about how well Black Friday is going in the mainland U.S. or not going well, here is what Puerto Rico’s El Nuevo Día posted on its Facebook page today. And there’s video too. One from Mayagüez. Post by Karen Marie. Read more about the stories here in Spanish.
MLS to “Refrain From Providing Comment” on Univision Pocahontas Models Posing with MLS Cup
This past Sunday we got a tweet tip about a photo taken on the set of Univision’s “República Deportiva” showing the popular sports program’s two Senadora models dressed in Pocahontas outfits next to the MLS Cup. After finding out that the photo was deleted from Twitter (and no one knows why), we were able to […]
It’s November: Must Be Time for Yet Another Racist “Border Patrol” Frat Party
And here we go again. Remember last November when it seemed every sorority in America was getting all racist? Here we go again. – Richmond, VA News Of course Randolph-Macon College stepped in: Randolph-Macon College does not tolerate any type of discriminatory behavior. The college finds this type of conduct reprehensible and in direct […]
Now The Twitter Ignoranti Hating on Pitbull… And We’re Defending Him
Who knew that we would be defending Pitbull? But yeah, that is what happening after the Twitter ignoranti could not believe that Pitbull was hosting last night’s AMAs. How could a (gasp!) MEXICAN be on TV? Yup, people that is what happened last night. Why are the AMERICAN Music Awards hosted by a mexican? Uhm […]
Why Did Univision’s República Deportiva Delete MLS Cup Pic of Senadoras in Sexy Pocahontas Costumes?
We take a break on Sunday and come back to some good old-fashioned sexism and cultural appropriation, Univision style. Looks like the folks at the network were having a little fun today on Twitter. It started with this tweet sent to us: :0/ “@MLSGabor: PIC- @RepDeportiva ‘s iconic Senadoras with #MLSCup Trophy @Caromacallister @albagalindo #VW4Soccer […]
UT’s Young Conservatives Hosting “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” Game
UPDATE, November 19, 2013: The event has now been cancelled. UPDATE, November 18, 2013: a counter-protest is now being scheduled. UPDATE, November 18, 2013: UT has responded with a statement. Apparently drawing from a 2005-06 plan of Young Conservative organizations on campuses across the country, the UT Austin chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) […]
Latina Employee Sues NYC’s Alexander McQueen Store for Racial Discrimination
As first reported by The New York Post, a former Alexander McQueen saleswoman who is Latina filed a racial discrimination lawsuit claiming that her supervisor called her “burrito face,” “taco smoke” and “Goya princess.” This is what the Post said: Manhattan resident Moselle Blanco worked at the late fashion designer’s flagship in the Meatpacking District […]