Speaker Boehner Slams Young for “Wetback” Comments and Calls Remarks “Offensive”
Here is what Talking Points Memo just published at 11:35 AM EST today: House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) offered a sharply worded reprimand for Rep. Don Young on Friday, demanding the Alaska congressman apologize for using a racial epithet to characterize migrant workers. “Congressman Young’s remarks were offensive and beneath the dignity of the office […]
#NoMames: Rep. Young “Meant No Disrespect” When Calling Farm Workers “Wetbacks” in Public Radio Interview
UPDATE, March 29, 2013, 4:45 pm EST: Young issued another apology. UPDATE, March 29, 2013, 2pm EST: KRBD responded to our questions about its broadcast. UPDATE, March 29, 2013, 12:30 pm EST: Speaker John Boehner issued a very strong statement calling Young’s comments “offensive” and “beneath the dignity of the office [Young] holds.” Guess Alaska […]
Why Twitter Sucks: Even When an Immigrant Wins the Powerball, There Still Has to Be Hate
It is getting to be that even after good things happen to immigrants —like winning $338 million in the Powerball— you still have to hear the hate. This just in from our friends at HuffPost Latino Voices. Pedro Quezada, the Dominican immigrant who seems to have become the happiest person in the world after recently winning […]
Dear Mississippi Media: Yes, “Wetback” Is a Racial Slur
File this one under the “We Have Now Seen Everything” category. In a local news article from southwestern Mississippi, reporter Caleb Bedillion was writing a dry standard story about corporate tax breaks. Rather boring stuff until you get to this part of the story, which quoted local county official Nolan Williamson. Wait for this one: […]
The Immigration Debate (and Hate) Moves to Kansas
Today in Kansas, a House committee hearing was held to discuss a bill that would deny in-state tuition for some undocumented immigrant students. It got interesting, according to local reports. First up, Republican state Rep. Allan Rothlisberg. Here is what one article reported: [Rothlisberg] talked about drug cartels filling the prison system and said he was offended […]
New Mexico Latina Legislator: Mexican American Studies Banned Books Are “Extremely Racist”
This one comes from HuffPost Latino Voices: A New Mexico state representative wants to keep Hispanic history books out of public schools, following in the footsteps of some of her conservative colleagues in Arizona. New Mexico state Rep. Antonio Maestas (D-Albuquerque) proposed a memorial on Monday praising diversity in the state’s curricula and slammed Tucson’s […]
#NoMames: Syfy’s “Chupacabra vs. The Alamo” Original Movie with Erik Estrada
Sometimes we just think that creative Hollywood types just take a spinning wheel of ideas and just let the wheel decide, no matter what the outcome will be. No matter how much it makes your cringe. Such is the case of Syfy’s “Chupacabra vs. The Alamo” original movie. Starring Erik Estrada. Of course. Even if […]
Conservative Boston Globe Columnist Jeff Jacoby Thinks Spanish Is Killing American Unity
Yes, familia, even opinion writers in blue state Massachusetts show their cultural ignorance once in a while. Take the case of The Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby, a conservative columnist who today penned the following opinion piece, “Americans speak every language, but only English unites us.” The column focuses on Gabriel Gómez, a second-generation Colombian American […]
ATM in San Juan Bar Prints Crude Homophobic Message
Today reported that an ATM at “El Ocho de Blanco,” a bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, printed a receipt with the sentence “WE HATE FAGS,” causing some in the island’s LGBT community to criticize the bar and the ATM owner for the offensive message. The bar’s management insisted that it had no control […]
VOXXI Posts Story About “Humourous” Hugo Chávez Cancer Pictures and the “Funny Side of Things”
Is mocking someone with cancer funny? If you are on the Internet the last two months, there have been thousands of tweets and memes that have made fun of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who is dying from cancer. That is bound to happen, and most of the content being shared is pretty tasteless. However, does […]
Racist Bloomberg Businessweek Cover Was Illustrated by Peruvian Artist
Ok, by now everyone online knows about the controversy surrounding the Bloomberg Businessweek magazine cover that brought us all back to a time in America where racist caricatures were all the rage. And by now, you all know that Bloomberg issues the standard and lame public relations apology, when editor Josh Tyrangiel said this in […]
Another #NoMames Frat Moment: USC Mexican-Themed ‘Racist Rager’ Party Gets Shut Down
We got this one from our friends at Colorlines, who reported it yesterday, and here we go again with Frats Gone Racist. You would think that after #NoMames moments at the University of Chicago, Baylor, Penn State, and Duke , sororities and fraternities would get a clue. Guess not. Here’s the latest example, and it […]
“A Modern Day Scarlet Letter?” North Carolina Reveals New Driver Licenses for DACA Individuals
Today the North Carolina Department of Transportation announced that it would be begin to issue driver licenses to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) individuals on March 25. However, according to a North Carolina Spanish-language outlet, the license is already raising serious concerns, since it will be different from a regular state license. Clearly different. […]
“Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit” Distribution Company Continues to Produce and Sell Sticker
After we received a “No comment” from the Midwest novelty company that distributes an “Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit” sticker a local Colorado gas station was caught selling last week, many people (include our Facebook site) took to social media to raise awareness about Central States Novelty, the company identified in the following report. The response, according […]
Canadian School Says Racist Letter Allegedly Sent To Students And Teachers Was “Unauthorized”
Here is a story posted today from our friends at One Voice Radio. Is this a joke? A very sick one at that. On February 7th Richview Collegiate Institute in Canada sent out a letter telling teachers and students to “…Avoid contact with African American students. They have a higher chance of being aggressive ..” This letter […]
Company That Distributes “Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit” Sticker Tells Rebels, “No Comment”
After we posted a news story from local Colorado TV about a gas station that was caught selling an “Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit” sticker, we wanted to reach out the the company that distributes the product. This afternoon we called Central States Novelty, based in Hays, KS. After identifying ourselves, the woman on the phone said, […]
Colorado Gas Station Caught Selling “Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit” Sticker
Just when you think the anti-immigrant (code word: anti-Latino) racism will go away, it doesn’t. Case in point, the following report from Colorado’s, called “‘Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit’ sticker sold at gas stations.” Yeah, you heard that right. (FYI: Last year a similar sticker was sold in a Wisconsin store.) UPDATE: The company in question and mentioned […]
Ridiculously Racist Asian-Themed Fraternity Party Sparks Outrage at Duke University
The Duke Chronicle provide the following update this afternoon: The operations of the Eta Prime chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity have been suspended, Mitch Wilson, executive director of the Kappa Sigma national organization confirmed. The fraternity will undergo an investigation to determine the status of its charter, but all activities and events are now prohibited. […]
#NoMames: Immigration Facebook Meme of @ConvetAmerica Confirms That It’s All About Racism Against Latinos
You’re kidding us, right? If you click on the following link from the Facebook page of the Conservative Veterans for America, you are greeted with this: Yeah, this whole anti-immigration reform thing has NOTHING to do with the Fear of a Latino Nation. There is no doubt: Racism is thriving on social media. According the […]
Want to Know Why Republicans “Don’t Get” Latinos? Just Read The National Review
#NoMames, National Review. Has no one in the mega-conservative media gotten the memo about U.S. Latinos? Did anyone really look at the last election results? Guess they are just in denial. Oh yeah, and racist, too. Here is an excerpt from NR’s editorial this week: “A Pointless Amnesty.” Republican immigration reformers with an eye to […]
VIDEO: My Bizarre Live Appearance on Colombian Radio About “Modern Family”
This morning I was contacted by Colombia’s W Radio to make a live appearance on its morning show. The topic? A piece the Rebels wrote about the “Fulgencio” episode which aired last week on ABC’s “Modern Family.” I said yes, and within five minutes of agreeing to talk, the show had me on live to […]