#NoMames, Modern Family: “Fulgencio” Episode Enters Uneasy Territory with Portrayals of Colombians
ABC’s “Modern Family” is still the country’s most popular scripted show, averaging about 11 million viewers per week. It has made a star out of Colombian actress Sofía Vergara, and it would not surprise us if the show’s creators were inspired by Charo when they invented the role of Gloria Pritchett. Knowing that Vergara’s character […]
#NoMames Double Feature: “Rent-a-Rican” and “How to Tell If Your Dog Is Puerto Rican”
We get it. Puerto Ricans are loud and fun at parties. They like to dance. They like to be drink rum. They like to have sex (yes, please). We understand. Yet there is something wrong about the following two videos that are making the rounds on the Internet and on Facebook. The first one, “Rent-a-Rican,” […]
SNL’s “Starbucks” Skit Was Funny, But Did It Have to Be Racist?
This is why SNL frustrates us: even when they are funny, it seems that they can’t pull it off completely, that the privilege is just too engrained in its writing staff. Case in point: the show’s “Starbucks” commercial parody from this weekend. No doubt, the idea was really funny. Generally speaking, Starbucks are notorious for […]
Alianza Latina Files Complaint Against Racist Taco Cid “Illegal Immigrant” Shirt
Remember the Taco Cid racist t-shirt and the restaurant’s #NoMames video explanation that went viral on the Internet? Well, looks like some people are taking action. According to the Palmetto Public Record in South Carolina, a group called Alianza Latina has filed a formal complaint with the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission “claiming that the […]
Taco Cid Defends Controversial “Illegal Immigrant” Shirt
Are you kidding us? Maybe we are the fools for posting this, but after Taco Cid’s “How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant” shirt went viral, the owner, Leanne Snelgrove, was interviewed. Please stop talking. Of course, she is selling shirts now. Here is the link.
More #NoMames Casting Hell: The “MI VIDA LOCA” Fail
Is today Bad Latina Stereotype Casting Call Day? Earlier this morning we ran a piece about a casting call looking for “Hot Latina Moms,” and now a few of our community members sent us the “Mi Vida Loca” casting call. You know we just HAD to say #NoMames. Read this: 495 Productions & Doron Ofir […]
Reality Show Casting for Hot Latina Moms? Please Stop the Insanity
We got this one from the very cool Chica and the City blog. The blog published the following post, “Casting Call For ‘Hot Blooded’ Latina Moms Makes My Blood Boil.” So we did a little digging. Here is the scoop. published the following casting call for DaM Legacy Entertainment (by the way, if you […]
#NoMames: South Carolina Mexican Restaurant Fails With “Illegal Immigrant” Shirt
Of course this is in South Carolina, why not? Today’s #NoMames is clearly this Taco Cid shirt that was posted on the Palmetto Public Record’s online page yesterday. Are you f-ing kidding us? Nope. Apparently not. And the Taco Cid company actually addressed the shirt with a statement on its web site. We’re not racists. […]
When Translations Go Bad: Bilingual Delaware Playground Sign Gets The #NoMames
UPDATE, 2:30 EST, 1/6/13: According to local Delaware radio, the signs have been removed. Here is what was posted on the Facebook page of Delaware 105.9’s program director: Steve Stutzman reports that Milford School Superintendent Dr. Phyllis Kohel has removed the offending playground signs shown and mentioned on my facebook page yesterday. People power wins […]
Acuña’s “No Dreams: The Case of Ruben Navarrette” Essay Goes Viral
EDITOR’S NOTE: Rodolfo F. Acuña has given anyone permission to repost the following essay he wrote in response to CNN contributor Ruben Navarrette’s recent columns about the DREAMers. For more about Prof. Acuña, you can visit his bio. He is not affiliated with This post is on several other sites as well. We are […]
Urban Outfitters: “Juan at WalMart” Shirt Is “Vintage” Clothing
After we posted the following “Juan at WalMart” uniform that @ULatinos had shared after one of its members saw it at an Urban Outfitters in Queens, NY, we reached out to Urban Outfitters for comment and clarification. Here is the email we received tonight from an Urban Outfitters spokesperson. (NOTE: we cleaned up the links […]
#NoMames: Urban Outfitters’ “Juan at WalMart” Shirt
UPDATE, January 2, 2013: The retail strategy team for Urban Outfitters responded to us tonight. Tonight we got a tweet from SUNY Fredonia’s @LatinosU about a shirt found at an Urban Outfitters and posted on Twitpic. When we asked about the context of the shirt, here is what we were told: @latinorebels @dyco It was […]
#NoMames: Racist Mexican Advertising Thriving at Canada’s Koodo Mobile
Who would have thought that Canada would enter #NoMames territory, but apparently it has, with Koodo Mobile leading the way. To think that El Tabador has been around a few years. We are wondering when Koodo starts promoting its Sambo campaign. Sorry, “getting over it” is not the issue here, this is just yet another […]
#NoMames VIDEO: ESPN Announcer Describing Angel Rodriguez’s “Puerto Rican Temper”
In case you missed what ESPN announcer Mitch Holthus, the voice of the Kansas City Chiefs, had to say about KState’s Angel Rodriguez, here is a clip of the video. Stay ignorant, Mitch. UPDATE: Holthus apologized via Twitter when we asked him about the story. @latinorebels please I DO apologize! I meant no racial slur […]
#NoMames: ESPN Announcer Says KState’s Angel Rodriguez Has “Puerto Rican Temper”
UPDATE: Holthus apologized for his comments today on Twitter, when we asked him about the story. @latinorebels please I DO apologize! I meant no racial slur at all I have the UTMOST respect for Angel as a student-athlete! — Mitch Holthus (@mitchholthus) December 23, 2012 Yesterday ESPN announcer (and voice of the Kansas City Chiefs) […]
Youth Soccer Coach Gets Dismissed for Speaking Spanish to Players
¿Qué qué? What? In one of the most culturally ignorant stories we have seen this week (h/t to @joeltana, a story out of Cooper City, FL chronicles how “a volunteer soccer coach for a city-sponsored youth league was ejected from a game after two referees ordered him to stop giving instructions in Spanish to several […]
Email from “SuperXClusivo” Claims Boycott and Show’s Critics Are Part of a Gay Agenda
UPDATE, 9:00 PM EST: WAPA confirmed earlier today that the emails were authentic. They also issued a statement that can be read here. Yesterday we received the following email communication from someone who submitted a initial comment to WAPA-TV’s “SuperXClusivo” show. The thread contains a very strange defense of the show that we felt is […]
Comedy Central Responds to Rebels About Daily Show “La Comay” Segment
After running a story this morning about The Daily Show not mentioning the current boycott of WAPA-TV’s “SuperXclusivo” program (the top-rated show in Puerto Rico) during a segment with Wyatt Cenac, we reached out to Comedy Central for comment. We requested to see if someone would speak to the segment, which shows Cenac interviewing La […]
The Daily Show Does Segment on WAPA’s “SuperXclusivo” and Ignores #BoicotLaComay
Last night on The Daily Show, correspondent Wyatt Cenac filed his last report ever with a segment from Puerto Rico about WAPA-TV’s “SuperXclusivo” show, which has recently faced a very public boycott after the show’s puppet host, La Comay, made comments about dead publicist Jose Enrique Gómez. Advertisers continue to pull out from the show, […]
Meteorologist Confronts Racist Facebook Posts on Station’s Page and Gets Fired by Station
We got this story from LatinoCommunicators as well as the great Richard Prince of Journal-isms, out of the Maynard Institute for Journalism Education. (And oh yeah, Soledad O'Brien.) According to Prince's post, meteorologist Rhonda Lee was fired by ABC Shreveport affiliate KTBS because Lee "responded to a racial remark posted by a viewer on the station's Facebook […]
NALFO: Stereotypes Need to Stop and Chi Omega Apologizes to Latino Fraternal Organization
In response to the recent controversy surrounding the Mexican costume image taken by the Chi Omega sorority chapter of Penn State, the National Association of Latino Fraternal National Organizations (NALFO) released the following statement yesterday: