
#BoicotLaComay Is Not Censorship: How Social Media Is Transforming Traditional Media

Censorship. In the Internet age, it is a word that is tossed about a lot and mostly misinterpreted. To give this column some context, let's actually read from the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or […]

  • Dec 8, 2012
  • 3:44 PM

Racist Mexican Costume Controversy Goes Viral: Baylor University Will Now Investigate

One week. Who would have thought that the story we broke last Friday night about the public social media images posted on the profile of a Baylor University student would go viral and make it all the way to NBC's "Today" show? The quick summary is this: the two pictures below were posted and deleted on Friday […]

  • Dec 7, 2012
  • 6:47 PM

Walmart Is Latest Sponsor to Drop WAPA TV’s “La Comay” and Join #BoicotLaComay

Today another major sponsor has stopped sponsorship of WAPA TV's "SuperXclusivo" show, whose puppet character, La Comay, is facing a social media boycott that has taken off ever since it was launched Tuesday. According to the Puerto Rican press, Walmart has pulled out all its advertising from the Puerto Rico's most popular show, which is […]

  • Dec 6, 2012
  • 6:17 PM

Penn State Administration Publishes Open Letter Addressing Sorority’s Mexican Costume Controversy

The following is an open letter published by Penn State's administration on the university's official site in response to the Chi Omega Mexican costume controversy. An open letter to the Penn State community Thursday, December 6, 2012 To the Penn State Community: In recent weeks and particularly in the past few days, it has become […]

  • Dec 6, 2012
  • 5:22 PM

Social Media Campaign to Boycott Puerto Rico’s La Comay Show Goes Viral

Looks like Puerto Rico is waking up after rallying behind a social media campaign against WAPA's "SuperXClusivo" show, hosted by puppet called La Comay (portrayed by actor Kobbo Santarrosa). The incredibly popular show (seen both in Puerto Rico and in the US through WAPA América) sucks. It is a bastion of all that is bad […]

  • Dec 5, 2012
  • 3:36 PM

Penn State Sorority Under Investigation for Racist Mexican Costume Pictures

Looks like Halloween 2012 was the year of sorority sisters dressing up in racist Mexican costumes with sombreros, sarapes, mustaches, black shoe polish, and signs that say "Green Card," "I don't cut grass, I smoke it," and "Will mow lawn for weed and beer." Just as we were starting to file away a story from […]

  • Dec 4, 2012
  • 8:20 PM

Baylor University Responds to Racist Mexican Social Media Images Posted on Student’s Pages

This morning we talked with Lori Fogleman, Director of Media Communications for Baylor University, about a series of public social media images that were posted on the public Facebook and Instagram profiles of Baylor student Hannah Ray. These public images show five young women dressed in sombreros, sarapes, mustaches, displaying "Green Card" signs, wearing what appears […]

  • Dec 4, 2012
  • 2:12 PM

Adam Carolla’s Mind-Boggling Anti-Mexican Rant: EXPLICIT

Adam Carolla has one of the most popular "comedy" podcasts in the world. He should stick to comedy and leave the cultural analysis to people that actually have a clue. Free speech is free speech, but at least be accurate about your ignorance and racism. As first reported by The Daily Caller (yes, the Daily […]

  • Dec 1, 2012
  • 12:14 PM

Racist Mexican Images Surface on Public Facebook Profiles of Baylor Students

We got the following from a Tumblr fan who shared it with us on our Facebook page, proving once again that posting your racism on public searchable Facebook pages is not recommended. You would think that people would know by now. This set of images comes from the profile of a person who is listed […]

  • Nov 30, 2012
  • 9:14 PM

Indian Food Menu By Minneapolis Chino Latino Restaurant Gets Slammed

After releasing its "New India Street Sheet" menu, Minneapolis restaurant Chino Latino (yes, that is the name) is facing some controversy for the image and ad copy it chose. And it appears that it was all part of their plan. Here is what one local Minnesota outlet reported: The ad depicts civilians walking the streets […]

  • Nov 29, 2012
  • 3:13 PM

#NoMames: Conservative Extremist Media Still Stays Clueless About U.S. Latinos

Here's a way to NOT learn from the results of the presidential elections: instead of blaming your own failings, many extremist conservative media types just want to blame others. You would think that the time for self-reflection was truly that: looking at one's own internal problems. Guess not. The latest comes from the conservative newspaper, […]

  • Nov 29, 2012
  • 10:07 AM

The Latest #NoMames Award Goes to Viral Racist Meme from “American Strong”

Here is the short answer to a viral Facebook meme that has gotten over 160,000 likes and over 22,000 shares: we don't agree with you. As for the long answer to the ignorance that is still being promoted and celebrated by the haters, here are just a few reminders: Speaking Spanish doesn't make you "illegal," […]

  • Nov 24, 2012
  • 8:37 PM

The “Your in America, Speak English” Twitter Fail

Ahh, Twitter. You're never boring (see how we wrote "You're" in that sentence?). This past week, several tweets began to demand the following: "Your in America, speak English." Of course, the irony of seeing the tweet misspelled was too good to be true. The very cool @BuzzFeedAndrew started letting Twitter know about the new thread, […]

  • Nov 23, 2012
  • 10:52 PM

Marco Rubio’s New Job Description: Music Critic and Tweet Deleted

Just when we thought that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was going out on a limb and telling the world that Pitbull ain't no Tupac or Eminem (TRUTH!), a story by NBC Latino published today just proves that Rubio is just another politician who likes to offer music critiques and delete tweets. Now the Miami native is […]

  • Nov 20, 2012
  • 1:27 PM

MSNBC Offers a Non-Apology for Mexican Twinkie Segment on “The Cycle”

Tonight, MSNBC released the following statement regarding a Mexican Twinkie segment it aired on "The Cycle:" On Monday’s The Cycle, we aired a graphic during our reporting on the Hostess story that was apparently offensive to some viewers. We want to say that it was never the intention of MSNBC to offend any person or […]

  • Nov 19, 2012
  • 10:55 PM

#NoMames: MSNBC’s “The Cycle” Takes Mexican Twinkie Story a Bit Too Far

UPDATE: MSNBC offered a non-apology tonight around 7:30 EST, November 19, 2012. We really thought that we wouldn't have to write TWO Twinkies posts in one day, but here we are again talking about Twinkies. And for all the wrong reasons. Earlier today on MSNBC, S.E. Cupp—one of the co-hosts of MSNBC's The Cycle—introduced a […]

  • Nov 19, 2012
  • 4:54 PM

VIDEO: The “Los IceHogs Night” Fail Was a “Fiesta on Ice”

A lot has been written about "Los IceHogs Night" in Rockford, IL, this past week. You know where the Rebeldes stand on it and what our jefe had to say about it for NBC Latino. And don't get us started about the fact that the group that helped to design the now infamous Los IceHogs […]

  • Nov 17, 2012
  • 10:35 PM

Crayola Doesn’t Understand the Meaning of “Multicultural”

Recently, Latino Rebels founder @julito77 ;wrote a very thought-provoking post called ;The Perils of “Latino” Marketing: Lessons Learned from the “Los IceHogs” Hockey Night. It wasn’t clear to some people why trying to appeal to the Hispanic community with a promotional poster of maracas, Corona, and Dora the Explorer can be problematic. So Julito explained […]

  • Nov 17, 2012
  • 4:41 PM

Kennedy Center Gets Congressional “Dressing Down” by Hispanic Caucus

Earlier today, the Facebook page of the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts shared a public update about the Kennedy Canter and its dismal history of overlooking Latino for the Kennedy Center Honors awards (only 2 in just 35 years). Apparently the issue is now on the radar screen of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus: KenCen Update: […]

  • Nov 16, 2012
  • 11:33 PM

“TANKSGIVEN” School Sign Error from Brownsville Goes Viral and It Gets Ugly

File this one under the "unfortunate" files. As reported by the local Brownsville press, a school sign about the Thanksgiving holiday has gone viral on Facebook and it is eliciting responses that range from the humorous to the ugly. According to reports, officials at Cummings Middle School confirmed that the sign was real and that […]

  • Nov 16, 2012
  • 1:55 PM

Meet Bryan Fischer, the November 2012 #NoMames Award Recipient

Guess Bryan Fischer didn't get the memo about last week's election and why the GOP is hurting in its quest to gain more favor from U.S. Latino voters. Just watch this. Seriously, just watch it. It is only about 1 minute long, and we say #NoMames. Hey, Bryan Fischer, you know why you have no […]

  • Nov 14, 2012
  • 5:30 PM

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