
Down 52 Points in Latest Poll of US Latino Voters, Romney Tries for the Hail Mary

Is it any coincidence that on the day that the latest Latino Decisions poll has Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney down 53 points in a weekly tracking poll of US Latino voters, Romney gives an interview with The Denver Post and basically says that he would honor President Obama's deferred action executive order that allows for […]

  • Oct 2, 2012
  • 10:11 AM

Kennedy Center President Apologizes to National Latino Groups and Dialogue Now Begins

It looks like the Kennedy Center finally got the message. Yesterday the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts (NHFA) received an apology from Kennedy Center President Michael Kaiser for his unprofessional response about why the center hadn't honored that many Latinos in the history of its organization. Kaiser had initially told the NHFA's Felix Sanchez […]

  • Sep 28, 2012
  • 10:41 PM

Latino Organizations Tell POLITICO: Kennedy Center President Should Apologize

Last week, we were one of many pages to report how the Kennedy Center once again ignored worthy Latino candidates in choosing its list of 2012 Kennedy Center Honors recipients. Along with several Latino media sites, the story was also covered by national outlets such as NPS, POLITICO, The Los Angeles Times, and The Washington […]

  • Sep 27, 2012
  • 3:48 PM

Kennedy Center Honors Ignore Worthy Latino Candidates… Again

Here is something you might not know. What do the following people have in common? Rita Hayworth, Ricardo Montalbán, Celia Cruz, Anthony Quinn, Raúl Juliá, José Ferrer, Rita Moreno, Joan Baez, Carlos Santana, Rubén Blades, Julio Iglesias, Gloria Estefan, Edward James Olmos. According to the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts (NHFA) and the National […]

  • Sep 20, 2012
  • 9:49 PM

On Twitter, Michael Moore Fails With Creation of #IfOnlyIWereMexican Hashtag

Yesterday, the Twitter account of filmmaker Michael Moore decided to create a new hashtag called #IfOnlyIWereMexican. The tweet was in reference to the secret Mitt Romney video clip (which we published last week on this page) where Romney is attempting to be funny by claiming that he wished he were Latino .  Now that Mother […]

  • Sep 19, 2012
  • 10:02 AM

SNL Fails (Again) in Its Attempt to Get All “Latino” on Us With Stale Mimi Morales Character

FYI, Cecily Strong isn’t even Latina. Yes, we know: we really want NBC's SNL to actually start producing Latino-themed comedy that is actually good. We love it when SNL gets all political, but when it comes to Latino humor, the show has been missing the mark since… forever. This is what happens when your writing staff […]

  • Sep 18, 2012
  • 7:59 AM

Why Hispanic Heritage Month Fails: The Case of the EPA, Che Guevara, and Plagiarism

We don't like Hispanic Heritage Month. We never have and we never will. Our reason is simple: all of a sudden people, brands, and organizations who have no idea or clue about the complexities of the US Latino world try to pretend that they do. Case in point: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Here is […]

  • Sep 14, 2012
  • 11:46 AM

After Letting LuisFortuno.Com Expire, Pro-Statehood Leaders Now Cry “Cybersquatting”

Like we said a few days ago, imagine if were taken over by Republicans or if was now controlled by Democrats. In essence, that is what happened to Puerto Rican governor Luis Fortuño (a pro-statehood Republican) whose 2008 campaign site was never renewed by his campaign and has recently become the property […]

  • Sep 13, 2012
  • 8:20 PM

No, It’s True, Clorox Really Is Clueless and Ignorant About Marketing to Latinos

After we stopped chuckling and shaking our heads about the Clorox Latino "refranes de mi abuela" campaign, we asked ourselves: does Clorox really not have a clue about marketing to Latino customers? We guess so, as the following article from The Los Angeles Times reveals: Latino buying power this year is estimated at $1.2 trillion […]

  • Sep 10, 2012
  • 10:49 PM

Does This World Really Need to Have Clorox Latino?

Yes, we get it. American brands in the United States know that the Latino consumer market is the NEXT BIG THING, and there is a frantic rush for these brands to authentically connect with these consumers. That is not the issue here. The issue is this: when you think of Clorox Bleach, do you really […]

  • Sep 10, 2012
  • 6:55 PM

Romney’s “Latino” Joke Fail: Another #NoMames Moment

And here we go again. It's probably best to check if no one brings a hidden camera to a fundraiser. Here it is, from the mouth of the Republican candidate for president. (H/T to The Daily Kos on this one.)

  • Sep 10, 2012
  • 11:20 AM

Janssen Pharmaceuticals Responds to the Rebels About Offensive “Smelly Mexican” Ad

Early in August, we reported a story about how an Indonesian ad agency published the following ad campaign for Daktarin Foot Powder. Depicting a sleeping barefoot Mexican in a saloon while others are covering their faces with bandanas and fans. A few days after we published the image (which we received from @RayoSaucedo), the ad […]

  • Sep 8, 2012
  • 9:02 PM

From Cuéntame: Mitt Romney’s Father Was a Mexican Refugee Who Was on Welfare. Queue Gasps.

This just in from our friends at Cuéntame: Hear it from the person closest to George Romney, Lenore Romney. 

  • Sep 6, 2012
  • 9:51 PM

Oye, Daily Caller, #NoMames Con Tus Pendejadas: That Means Don’t Pretend You Are “Latino” Experts

Ahh, The Daily Caller. Once again trying to be something that it is not: an observer of the US Latino world. This morning, the Tucker Carlson enterprise published the following story about San Antonio mayor (and new Twitter rockstar) Julián Castro: Julian Castro ‘doesn’t really speak Spanish’ (accent missing is TDC's fault, not ours). Guess TDC kind […]

  • Sep 5, 2012
  • 8:22 PM

No Mexican Employees at Epcot’s USA Section, Please

Who would have thought that a little WordPress blog post from Rockstar GOP would lead to coverage by both Think Progress and NBC? But it happened. The reason? It had a little bit of everything: a delegate to the Republican National Convention, a pre-convention trip to Epcot, and a little bit of straight-out stone-cold anti-Mexican racism. […]

  • Sep 1, 2012
  • 4:34 PM

On the Night Mitt Romney Speaks at the RNC, Twitter Suspends and Silences @MexicanMitt

UPDATE: August 31, 2012, 9am EST: @MexicanMitt is back on Twitter. On the night that Mitt Romney was to give his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, reports from our friends at have confirmed that the Twitter account of @MexicanMitt has been suspended. Today Pocho got an advanced copy of the speech that MexicanMitt was […]

  • Aug 30, 2012
  • 10:54 PM

Is Luis Fortuño Working for the Democrats?: A Guest Rebelde Post by Raúl Colón

A Guest Post by Raúl Colón (@rj_c) of In history we have seen how an agent provocateur can cause the masses to create more chaos. Last night I realized how much I had underestimated Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño. He might be working for the Democrats after all.  Being a great spy is about […]

  • Aug 30, 2012
  • 10:36 PM

The Bizarre and Uneasy Alliance Between Mitt Romney and Luis Fortuño Still Makes No Sense

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AT JULIORVARELA.COM August was supposed to be a great month for Puerto Rican Governor and pro-statehood Republican Luis Fortuño. He was supposed to claim victory for changes to Puerto Rico's constitution. He did not, essentially setting himself up for an unsuccessful re-election bid in November against an opponent who quite frankly is not the […]

  • Aug 30, 2012
  • 1:27 PM

Arizona GOP Congressional Candidate Saucedo Mercer Now Takes on “Middle Easterners”

Looks like Arizona Republican candidate for US Congress Gabriela Saucedo Mercer is back in the news. This time, it is not about plagiarized quotes about food stamps. Now Saucedo Mercer, who is running against Democrat Raúl Grijalva, for Arizona's District 3, has things to say about "Middle Easterners." Here is what CBS Baltimore posted: “If […]

  • Aug 29, 2012
  • 8:10 PM

Puerto Rican GOP Delegate Tells NBC Latino: “USA! USA!” Chants Not Directed at Her

This morning NBC Latino's Sandra Lilley and Adrian Carrasquillo published on-the-record comments from Puerto Rico's Zoraida Fonalledas, the chairwoman of the GOP’s permanent organization committee, who said that yesterday's bizarre scene where chants of "USA! USA!" drowned her out as she stepped up to the podium at the Republican National Convention were not directed at her. […]

  • Aug 29, 2012
  • 11:35 AM

RNC Statement: Chants of “USA! USA!” Were Not Directed at Puerto Rican GOP Delegate

It was a bizarre scene that has gone viral on YouTube (over 146,000 views last time we checked), and as we reported yesterday, there were different accounts as to why Puerto Rico's Zoraida Fonelladas could not speak at the podium of the Republican National Convention yesterday in Tampa. Here is the clip that has gone […]

  • Aug 29, 2012
  • 9:22 AM

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