Puerto Rico’s Normandie Hotel a Reflection of Colonialism (OPINION)
Boricuas are in an all-out struggle to save what is theirs from the crypto-barons and Wall Street vultures —their beaches, their homes, their neighborhoods and towns, and the beautiful architecture of their island— of which the Normandie is one of the brightest jewels in the crown.
The Age of Misinformation (OPINION)
Some tips on navigating the age of misinformation from board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patino.
With ‘Promised Land,’ Matt Lopez Is Representing Latinidad on ABC (REVIEW)
With the recent cancelation of Gentefied (and seemingly every other Latinx show), there’s a lot of pressure on ABC’s new ‘Promised Land,’ a primetime, network drama featuring Mexican American characters, played by Hispanic actors, and created and run by Matt Lopez.
On John Leguizamo and Colorism (OPINION)
Recent comments made by actor and comedian John Leguizamo about colorism in Hollywood have raised some eyebrows.
Pro-Trump Latino Candidate in Texas Snubs Latino Group (OPINION)
The LIBRE Initiative and its partner, Americans for Prosperity Action (a Koch Industries-funded group), withdrew its endorsement of Pete Flores, who is running in Texas Senate District 24. The withdrawal came after the candidate soundly rejected LIBRE’s initial endorsement.
How Tech Companies Harm Latinos and How to Fight Back (OPINION)
Tech companies are undermining public safety, civil and human rights, and our democracy—and they’re doing so by extracting and exploiting our personal data. Now is the time for lawmakers and regulators to act.
Act 60 Brings People Into Puerto Rico and Pushes Others Out
“A Puerto Rico without Puerto Ricans” has become almost cliche in talks concerning the current wave of gentrification washing over the islands. It’s a phrase so bold-faced about ridding the island of its native inhabitants that one is tempted to view it as satire, if the message behind it hadn’t become all too real for the people of Puerto Rico over the past decade.
A ‘Generational Howl’ Heard in Chile and Puerto Rico (OPINION)
The triumph of Gabriel Boric over the extreme right in Chile sent out “a generational howl” that is reverberating throughout the region and is echoed in Puerto Rico by young Boricuas who want to change the political and social architecture of their homeland.
Gentrification, Colonialism and Identity in Puerto Rico (OPINION)
The debate over the gentrification led by an influx of wealthy Americans turns on complicated and contested issues, including housing, taxes, and economic development. But it also begs a much deeper question: whether Puerto Ricans are a nation, or merely the current tenants of a particularly attractive piece of real estate in America’s empire.
Sens. Sinema and Manchin, Are These Daggers I See Before You? (OPINION)
The trouble with what Manchin and Sinema are doing, no matter how high and mighty they talk, is that unless they act with their fellow Democrats, the Republicans’ specially designed push to keep young people, women, people of color, and people with disabilities from voting will succeed.
Confronting Cuban American Propaganda Head On (OPINION)
Misinformation in each respective Latino community is rampant, especially among the Cuban Americans of South Florida, and it’s going to take more than just talking about it to defeat it.
Rooting Out Racism in Children’s Books
One of the most important things parents can do is to engage with their child readers about what they are reading and seeing in books.
El Paso Mural Glosses Over Chamizal Land Dispute (OPINION)
‘Blurred Boundaries,’ an art installation at the Chamizal Community Center in El Paso, replicates a dominant narrative that trivializes the role of barrio women and the still-open wound of the chamizal treaty between Mexico and the United States.
Immigration Reform for Essential Workers and Victims of Domestic Violence Is Long Overdue (OPINION)
The term “living in the shadows” is something I’m familiar with, having grown up waiting for some type of path that would allow me to become a legal resident. I did so while surviving a relationship that involved domestic violence.
Where Is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Amidst the Omicron Surge? (OPINION)
In an episode reminiscent of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s infamous flight to Cancún as his state grappled with one of the worst environmental disasters in decades, Gov. Ron DeSantis is missing in action as Floridians struggle with an ongoing public health crisis.
Taking Back the Term ‘Socialism’ (OPINION)
The fact that, in the last 50 years, any idea that questions the status quo has been stigmatized with the discriminatory epithet of “Communist,” “Leftist” or “socialist” is evidence that the political spectrum has moved so far to the right.
What Latino Health Research Says About ‘Encanto’
Family is beautiful and keeps you healthy, but it can also make you sick.
New Year’s Resolution: Save Our Schools From Violence (OPINION)
As a society, what measures are we taking to prevent future incidents of school-related violence, which harm our most vulnerable students, often already tackling barriers related to gender, race, and socioeconomic status?
Latinx Community Should Show Up for Grasie Mercedes’ ‘Grand Crew’ (REVIEW)
“Right now in Hollywood, there are so many Latinos who are doing it, making shows and are showrunners. But they’re almost all white Latinxs,” Mercedes tells Latino Rebels. “Indigenous and Black Latinxs (need) the opportunity to develop their own shows (so it’s) not always the same experience that we see.”
The Winter of Brazil’s Discontent (OPINION)
December has shown that not much changed in the year 2021 in terms of Bolsonaro and his aggressive statements and actions against politicians, the media, and other parts of government.
Biden’s New Year Resolution Should Be Asylum and Immigration Protection For All (OPINION)
As we enter the third year of pandemic life, it is all too easy to forget about the other predicament at our doorsteps: the humanitarian crisis in the U.S.-Mexico border.