Selena Gomez and the Complicated Nature of Latinx Representation
Selena Gomez can’t represent our entire community, but her character in the Hulu series ‘Only Murders in the Building’ is a positive addition to the Latinx canon.
Latinos Need to Demand Environmental Justice (OPINION)
Given that 15 percent of Latinos live within 10 miles of a power plant, we are three times more likely to be negatively affected by air pollution. Time to call on Congress to improve environmental conditions for all, particularly the Latino community.
Hispanic Heritage Month Needs to Escape Its American Traits (OPINION)
Until we can unbind Hispanic Heritage Month from its individualistic, capitalistic, and racist traits, it will continue to fail the Latinx community.
OPINION: The Business of Puerto Rico’s Statehood Party
Don Quixote’s elusive quest is a fitting metaphor for Puerto Rico’s statehood movement.
Pandemic Threatens Latinx’s Normally Low Rate of Suicide (OPINION)
Fresh off the heels of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September, and as National Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close on Friday, now is an appropriate time to examine the intersection of Latinx and suicide.
OPINION: Using Hardship to Boost Well-Being
Latinos have suffered more than most from the pandemic in terms of health and finances. But despite the data, it is possible to use the hardships of the present circumstances to pivot, learn, and thrive.
OPINION: Let’s Celebrate Latinx Entrepreneurship
There is great potential for Latinx entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and beyond, if only they were adequately supported by banks, angel investors, venture capitalists, and their own community.
Analysis: Sen. Alex Padilla Can Win on Immigration Reform
Unless Padilla or the other Latino senators take a hard line on immigration reform, a legalization bill is unlikely to be enacted during the current Congress.
Latinidad Is Broken, We’re Broken (OPINION)
What one betrays when disavowing Latinidad is the delusion of a single country culturally owning entire continents, various and vibrant ways of life, through the manipulation of a single language. What is to be the legacy of Latinidad? What is the legacy of whiteness? Are they really that different?
OPINION: COVID and Latinx Homelessness in Los Angeles
Time will tell if Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s homeless programs will live up to expectations. But many Angelenos like myself believe these programs are not enough.
White Like Me: An Asininely Articulated Admission (OPINION)
I am not Latinx… nor am I Indigenous… Ergo facto, I’m white, right?
OPINION: Time for Congress to Give Hispanic Seniors the Care They Need
Hispanic seniors need care, support and resources to age in dignity. Now it’s time for Congress to help them.
The Awakening
In examining gentrification and neoliberalism, I found many similarities to colonialism, which continues to have negative impacts on Latinas and Latinos.
OPINION: Can We Do Just a Little Bit More to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage?
It’s cool, but it’s limited.
OPINION: Without In-Home Care, I Don’t Know How I’ll Continue Caring for My Grandmother
President Biden’s proposal for home care would invest billions into the home- and community-based care industry to raise caregivers’ wages, improve training, and increase the supply of caregivers.
Haitians, La Migra, and Title 42: What We’re Not Talking About (OPINION)
Aside from the discussions we’re having about political and economic turmoil in Haiti, much more sinister actions are at play.
OPINION: Poor Kyrsten Sinema
She just can’t seem to catch a break, can she?
OPINION: Waiting for ‘Them’ to Hire More People of Color Isn’t Going to Change Sports Media the Way It Should
Every year, it’s slightly less of the same problem, but it’s still the same problem.
OPINION: A Cardinal’s All-Too-Human COVID Hypocrisy
It’s all too familiar: yet another COVID-positive anti-vaxxer was in the hospital on a ventilator.
OPINION: The Time for a Pathway to Citizenship Is Right Now
It is the moment to acknowledge the hard sacrifices essential workers have been making before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what is morally required for us to live up to our ideals as Americans.
The Apple Tower
I realize that I overthink everything, but it is beyond me how we put university administrators with little classroom experience in charge of educational reform when they have made careers of avoiding teaching.