The U.S. and Corporate Media Are Failing Asylum Seekers… Again (OPINION)
By leaving out key data, white-owned media narratives serve to harden white nationalist views
Hamlet Lavastida: To Be or Not To Be? (OPINION)
This concerns you, wherever you are.
OPINION: The Elite Politics of J Balvin
By only speaking out when it serves him and openly praising far-right politicians, Balvin has aligned himself with the elite instead of those fighting to build a better world.
OPINION: Biden-Harris Justice Department Embraces Racist Insular Cases
One week after members of Congress called on the Biden-Harris Department of Justice to condemn the racist Insular Cases, the Department has instead doubled down to argue based on the Insular Cases that people born in U.S. territories have no constitutional right to U.S. citizenship.
We Haven’t Paid Much Attention to Jasmine Camacho-Quinn’s Amazing Statement on Identity
If you feel it, you feel it. Period.
Equally Unequal: The Exclusion of Latino Jurors
Under any method of calculation, that’s bad for the cause of justice.
OPINIÓN: Es hora de que todos nuestros congresistas y senadores apoyen a los inmigrantes
Cada decisión que nuestros legisladores toman nos afecta a todos, independientemente de estatus
The Pandemic Is Over? Not Even Close
We are still in the midst of it. It has not gone away.
OPINION: Biden May Not Regret Leaving Afghanistan, But I Do
While many pundits and politicians are focused on who’s to blame for this still unfolding debacle, it’s critically important that we not short shift the dark reality that is about to beset the nearly 40 million people who call this long-suffering country home.
OPINION: Drug Policing Is (And Always Has Been) Rooted in Anti-Blackness
Racist enforcement practices are at the very root of drug policing, which disproportionately targets poor and nonwhite communities.
OPINION: 2020 Census Data Bolsters Racist ‘Great Replacement’ Conspiracy Theory
White supremacists point to the 2020 Census data as evidence of society trying to replace them with people of color.
Swiss Cheese Super Ego
It seems to me that many people have lost their way.
OPINION: Debt, God, and La Junta Colonialism in Puerto Rico
It is time for Puerto Ricans to pick up the spirit of the Summer of 2019 and demand the end of the colonial Junta.
A Win for Puerto Ricans Everywhere
That’s Boricua excellence right there.
OPINION: Will One, New Political Alternative for Cuba Actually Work?
Most of these current alternatives originate from the Cuban exile community.
Immigrant Detention in Louisiana Is Just Next Chapter of State’s Prison Culture
Louisiana has a long history of being the world’s prison capital. This one U.S. southern state once surpassed entire countries with the number of prisons they host. Yes, Louisiana has more prisons than countries like Iran, China, and Germany, to just name a few. For example, one of Louisiana’s notorious prisons —Angola State Prison— was […]
OPINION: Anti-Blackness in the Cuban Diaspora
Racism is a deeply rooted issue that is widely ignored among Cuban Americans.
OPINION: DeSantis Keeps Refusing to Prioritize Disasters in Florida
What is DeSantis doing while this public health disaster unfolds and 38,741 Floridians die so far under his watch? He is selling anti-mask campaign merch.
That Time My Mother Wasn’t Racially Profiled (Or What I Learned When the Officer Let Her Drive Away)
“Is that…for me..?” my mother asked, looking in her rearview mirror. I turned around and saw the red and blue flashing lights she was referring to.
La colombiana
Nunca me he sentido tan colombiana como cuando migré a Estados Unidos.
OPINION: Congress Should Admit DC and Puerto Rico as States of the Union
As states of the union, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, can become a powerful political force to push forward the inconclusive agenda of our nation’s minority communities.”