OPINION: We Must Think About Vaccine Trust From the Perspectives of Undocumented Migrants
Misinformation and historical trauma make it less likely for undocumented communities and families in mixed-status households to trust the vaccine and any record-keeping around it.
OPINION: 600 Crosses
Who were these brave women and men?
OPINION: We Can’t Talk About Adam Toledo Without Talking About 7th Grade
I want to talk about what it means to be a 7th grader. Adam Toledo attended 7th grade.
OPINION: This Time, at Least, the System Got It Right
It was the only logical and moral conclusion, and still it seemed almost unimaginable.
OPINION: What Just Happened at the Academy Awards?
I’m not willing to say it was a bad night for the Latinx community.
OPINION: I Will Never Watch the Killings of Black and Brown Children
Why do these videos continue to be released to the public, as if the word of a witness, mother, or father isn’t enough?
Reflections From Chicago, 4 Weeks After the Death of Adam Toledo
Police are not preventing crime in Chicago—they’re perpetuating violence.
OPINION: We Can’t Build Back Better Without Water
We live in a country scarred by separate and unequal access to safe and affordable drinking water. It’s a direct legacy of racial injustice, redlining and disinvestment in communities of color.
OPINION: On Adam Toledo and Guns
This is where we are.
OPINION: The Killing of Adam Toledo and the Torture of Caron Nazario
The killing of Toledo and the assault on Nazario are just the latest examples of the extent of state-sponsored violence against Latinos.
OPINION: One Reason Unions Lose? Leadership Does Not Reflect the Membership
What does it mean that over 80% of labor unions in the U.S. are led exclusively by white people?
Vestida y alborotada, Holding on to Hope
My aunt and the rest of my family are my driving force, whenever I lose sight of what I am doing or why I am doing it I remember that I channel the strength of my entire family.
Government of El Salvador Fabricates a New Case Against El Faro
This government’s attacks against El Faro include smear campaigns, stalking, illegal wiretaps, threats, and constant online harassment.
OPINION: Funders Must Invest in Scholarships for Graduate Study for Students of Color
As a first-generation college student, I was excited to receive my undergraduate degrees with very little debt, but I knew that I wanted to go further in my education with a master’s degree and eventually a Ph.D. The roadblock was funding.
OPINION: DeSantis Wants to Censor Us Like Cuba Censored My People
What are the Governor and legislators so afraid of that they need to censor us?
OPINION: Anti-Black Policing Isn’t Just for White Cops
Over the past two decades, many cases of Black and Latino cops targeting Black people have started a broader conversation about racial justice
OPINION: US Economic Policies Have Turned Central American Countries Into Unsafe Prisons of Poverty
We can’t expect a corporate liberal media to expose the central role played by U.S. corporations, banks, the State and Defense Departments, Congress and successive Presidents in creating the conditions for what is happening at the U.S.-Mexico border.
OPINION: Our Perennial Sin
In order for supremacy to work, “the other,” as academics remind us, have to be judged inferior and culturally invisible.
OPINIÓN: República Dominicana, el aborto y una mentira repetida llamada ‘provida’
La razón fundamental para apoyar el acceso al aborto seguro en 3 causales es que la mayoría de las mujeres que tienen un embarazo no deseado van a tratar de hacerse un aborto, independientemente de lo que dicte la ley y en aquellos países donde el aborto es penalizado, las mujeres no tendrán más opción que arriesgar sus vidas haciéndose un aborto clandestino con personas no calificadas.
OPINION: How to Be Cultural Environmentalists in Our Community
While organizing, mobilizing, and educating our diverse local Latinx and communities of color to recognize their power, we can advocate for bold environmental progressive actions, beginning at the dinner table with our families.
What Is ‘Mexican’? Understanding Cultural Identity
I have struggled with how to describe or define my identity since moving to the United States from Mexico at age 10—a struggle that was internalized and personal for years.