OPINION: Sen. Schumer Is Right, Puerto Rico’s Tax Haven Schemes Are ‘Bullshit’
Members of Congress can no longer perpetuate a colony to benefit big corporate donors who contribute to their campaigns, while the majority of people on the island remain in poverty.
OPINION: The Situation at the US-Mexico Border Is a Crisis, But Is It New?
Children and families have been fleeing to the U.S. for years, particularly from Mexico and the so-called Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
The Pandemic and Bolsonaro Continue to Wreak Havoc in Brazil
If on the one hand, the world looks with concern at the unfolding situation in Brazil, on the other hand, for Brazilians the climate is one of absolute fear.
OPINIÓN: Sólo una latina en la lista de nominados para cortes federales
Se acabaron las excusas.
OPINION: I Volunteered as a Nurse During the Pandemic. The Shocking Lack of Protections Spurred Me to Act.
Being back at the hospital and experiencing quarantine made me appreciate life and health differently.
4 Ways to Support Our Community During the Pandemic and Beyond
Given the disproportionate health and economic toll COVID-19 has had on Latinas and Latinos, our communities demand immediate relief.
How the Mocking of Councilwoman Nancy Navarro’s Accent Transported Me Back (and Then Forward)
As a Latina working in such spaces, it is a reminder that even educational privilege or positions of power do not protect us against racism and xenophobia.
Georgia Is Really Just the Tip of the Iceberg (OPINION)
Instead of focusing on changing their policy priorities to align with those of Georgia voters, one party decided to change the rules of the game to make it less fair and block participation.
A Year in the Life of a Latina Nurse During the COVID-19 Pandemic
That reality finally caught up to me. For the last month, I have struggled with burnout for the first time in my career, and it feels endless.
As Schools Reopen, We Need Teachers, So Why Would We Risk Deporting Thousands of Them? (OPINION)
The Dream and Promise Act would be particularly impactful for education.
Everything Wrong With Immigration Was Created With Bipartisan Support (OPINION)
America’s complicated history of treating migrants of color inhumanely is a long and sordid tale of bipartisan xenophobic policies.
Ridding Puerto Rico of Snakes (OPINION)
Last week was St. Patrick’s Day, and thinking of Ireland always makes me think of Puerto Rico, two islands with vibrant cultures dominated by WASPy foreign powers that have tried hard to snuff those cultures out, along with the people.
The ‘Crisis’ at the Border Won’t End Until We Admit We Need Immigrants at Least as Much as They Need Us (OPINION)
When it comes to the subject of immigration, humanity and common sense matter. That’s where every conversation on the topic should begin.
Let’s Call It What It Is: A Pandemic That Has Decimated Our Most Vulnerable Populations (OPINION)
It has been known for millennia that the most vulnerable individuals during epidemics and pandemics are the poor. This pandemic is no different, especially here in the United States.
Pobrecito Wao: #MeToo and the Code of Silence (OPINION)
It’s difficult to unlearn silence.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema Betrays Arizonans With Minimum Wage Vote (OPINION)
Many have even dubbed her a modern Marie Antoinette.
Domestic Terrorists and GOP’s Leaders Nationwide Have Voting Rights in Their Sights (OPINION)
Let’s not forget what inspired the events of January 6: the false claim by Trump and others that Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election and a years-long organized push by the Republican Party to restrict or outright suppress the right to vote of anyone who isn’t marching lockstep with the GOP’s increasingly anti-democratic agenda.
On White People’s Obsession With Black and Brown Death (OPINION)
White people have again proved that they have no understanding of what racial justice means.
On Saluting and Resisting Like Unseen Immigrant Women Changemakers for International Women’s Day
The global celebration of International Women’s Day ignores the critical importance of immigrant women resisting oppressive systems to produce change today for tomorrow.
Jorge and Richie Down by the Schoolyard
And though America is merely a society of cliques, I often wish America’s cliques behaved like the cliques back in middle school.
Rethinking Latino: What Many Are Missing (OPINION)
If these pan-ethnic labels were meant to celebrate the melding away of the numerous Latino cultures and identities, then the experiment has not gone so well.