A Response to a Response to ‘Heroes of Another Flag’ (OPINION)
It is understood that a second-class citizen is a person belonging to a social or political group whose rights and opportunities are inferior to those of the dominant group in a society.
Making and Selling a Taco, or Learning About Life in the Most Unexpected Places
Life lessons are everywhere.
It’s Detention if People Are in ICE Custody, No Matter How the Agency Rebrands It (OPINION)
Whenever people are in ICE custody, lives are in jeopardy.
What’s the Post-Pandemic Catch-Up Plan, Especially for Students of Color?
It’s still dangerous as hell out there.
Netflix’s PELÉ Explores the Athlete-Activist Quandary
What is an athlete’s responsibility to the community?
Lawsuit Claims LIBRE BY NEXUS ‘Cheats Immigrants,’ But Will Biden Administration Address Roots of Problem?
Immigrant detention has become big business.
Shutting Down Private-Run Immigration Detention Centers Is Complicated, But It Can Be Done (OPINION)
Whereas detention facilities rely on imprisoning immigrants, community-based alternatives offer holistic care.
Why I Don’t Support the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act of 2020 (OPINION)
On its surface, the act explains that the United States must recognize the rights of the people of Puerto Rico but does it provide Puerto Ricans the right to “freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development?”
‘Heroes of Another Flag’ or How Nationalist Propaganda Villainizes Puerto Ricans for Serving in US Armed Forces (OPINION)
As for heroes, they may not be Hernández’s heroes, but they are exactly that to their relatives, friends, and the people in their communities. And they are Puerto Rico.
Surviving Frozen Texas
Despite ample warning, the state of Texas failed its citizens during an unprecedented winter storm.
The Democrats’ Definition of Progress (OPINION)
We humans have always mistaken the superficial for substance.
Heroes of Another Flag: The Use of Puerto Ricans as Colonial Troops (OPINION)
As with anything regarding Puerto Rico, the recent PRNG deployment became political.
Supporting Our Heroes: I Will Not Give in to the Corruption of the Vaccine
I’ve written in the past that essential workers are not heroes simply because we are treated like we are expendable. But heroes are real. I know a hero. She gave me a much-needed reality check. Her name is Celeste Castillo.
The End of Women as Buffers
What would happen if we collectively removed our bodies from the “buffer zone?”
How US Education Secretary Nominee Miguel Cardona Can Stop the Teacher Shortage
Four experts explain how to recruit more people to become educators in the nation’s public schools.
Trigueño Supremacy (OPINION)
No one understands that race is imaginary better than someone who’s multiracial.
The Unbearable Latinx Whiteness of It All (OPINION)
It really needs to change.
Beyond Round One: What Biden Must Do Next on Immigration
We need a presidential administration that is prepared to dismantle cruel and inhumane detention and deportation policies and detention centers and reunite families who have been separated.
Biden’s Plan for Central America to Repeat Mistakes From the Past (OPINION)
The U.S. funding of security forces and support for private investment promoted as “economic development” created a climate of impunity for targeted attacks on environmental and land activists, causing many to flee in fear.
A New Protagonist in Philanthropy: Young, Female and _________
What kind of protagonist would I unleash into the nonprofit ecosystem over the next 10 years if she had the face of AOC and she had the power of the immigrant dollar behind her?
The Two Lives of Latinos
Being bilingual and bicultural doesn’t give you two separate personalities, but the abilities of two personalities in one.