Puerto Rico
After Disaster, San Juan’s Poorest Residents Are at Risk of Losing Their Lifeline
The government agency that serves Caño Martín Peña’s social, economic and environmental needs is at risk for potential cuts to its budget.
‘Right to Know’ Wins Against Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Control Board
A new judicial decision orders to establish deadlines for the production of the documents requested by the Center for Investigative Journalism.
La Policía usó el Popular Center como centro de operaciones para las protestas del 1 de mayo
Eran las 10 de la mañana de ese primero de mayo y el CPI observó a seis policías sentados en el área de restaurantes.
Datos oficiales de violencia contra la mujer en Puerto Rico no son confiables después del huracán María
“La supervivencia después de María es mucho más complicada y más difícil que antes”, dijo Vilma González. “Pero aquí estamos”.
Official Reports of Violence Against Women in Puerto Rico Unreliable After Hurricane María
“Survival after María is much more complicated and more difficult than before,” Vilma González says. “But here we are.”
Did the Puerto Rico Police Really Shoot Tear Gas for Crowd Control?
In one video, 18 shots of tear gas canisters seem to be heard as people ran away coughing and in panic. About 12 of those shots were heard after protesters were already retreating.
An Open Letter to Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló
Sign-on letter condemning the actions of the Puerto Rican government on May Day and demanding justice for the Puerto Rican people
From 1937 to 2018: The Militarized Suppression of Protest in Puerto Rico
As we look at the present suppression of peaceful May Day protests in Puerto Rico, we must remember history like the Ponce Massacre that reminds us this shit ain’t new.
Una fuerza policiaca reducida enfrenta el aumento en la criminalidad en Puerto Rico
Al 29 de abril, en los primeros cuatro meses del 2018, habían ocurrido en Puerto Rico 227 asesinatos, 14 más en comparación con el mismo periodo del año pasado.
Rising Crime and a Shrinking Police Force Stunt Puerto Rico’s Recovery
As of April 29. the first four months of 2018 in Puerto Rico have seen 227 murders, 14 more when compared to the same period last year.
Why Is Puerto Rico’s Governor Handing the Island to Investors on a Silver Platter?
Wall Street won the hurricane recovery fight.
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló Was on THE DAILY SHOW WITH TREVOR NOAH
“If you go against the people of Puerto Rico, we’ll vote you out.”
Despilfarran dinero y limitan opciones de energía en Culebra
¿Qué está pasando en este municipio de Puerto Rico?
Island Paradise’s Energy Lifeline Threatened
What is happening in Culebra, Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico ensayó pero no implantó la red eléctrica a prueba de huracanes
Al oeste de la Isla había una minired eléctrica independiente que permitió al pueblo de Mayagüez recuperarse rápido después de la peor catástrofe en casi cien años. Luego de esta experiencia, el gobierno quiere replicar ese modelo energético.
Puerto Rico Rehearsed But Did Not Implement a Hurricane-Proof Power Grid
On the western side of the island, there was an independent mini power grid that allowed the town of Mayagüez to recover quickly after the worst catastrophe in almost 100 years. After that experience, the government wants to replicate that energy model.
NYC Mayor Announces City Will Pay for Temporary Housing of Displaced Puerto Ricans
This announcement comes almost a week FEM said that it would not extend its TSA program for 83 families living in hotels in the city.
Puerto Rico está lejos de tener un plan para enfrentar el cambio climático
El costo de la inacción asciende a $240 mil millones, casi tres veces la cantidad de la deuda pública puertorriqueña, que es impagable.
Puerto Rico Far From Having Plan to Face Climate Change
Thirteen years later, not much has happened.
Punta Cana: Paraíso turístico que sucumbe a la pérdida de playa y al afán hotelero
Un destino turístico de clase mundial pierde metros de playa por un continuo proceso erosivo que se atribuye al cambio climático y a la falta de intervención gubernamental frente al desarrollo hotelero en la República Dominicana.
Tourist Paradise Losing Battle Against Coastal Erosion and Hotel Development Frenzy
The Dominican Republic’s east coast is losing the fight against coastal erosion, due to a lack of government intervention against companies linked to hotel development.