The Environment
Latin America Demonstrates Leadership at COP23
Several specific countries are playing leading roles and standing out for their work among other developing nations around the world.
Our Power PR Campaign Arrives in Puerto Rico to Join Just Recovery Efforts and Assess Impact of Jones Act
#OurPowerPR was launched in New York to support Puerto Ricans with a just recovery for the island in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
En Puerto Rico, agencias de gobierno no actúan ante peligros que conllevan los generadores eléctricos
“La gente no quiere escuchar”, se queja la presidenta de la Junta de Calidad Ambiental ante los conflictos vecinales, problemas de salud y seguridad que crean los aparatos.
José Gualinga: Estado neocolonial y educación indígena
Este proyecto de entrevistas recoge la palabra viva, experiencias y luchas de varios representantes importantes del pueblo originario Kichwa de Sarayaku, en la Amazonía ecuatoriana.
Puerto Rican Energy Researchers Excluded From Island’s Energy Transition Deliberations
Letters have been sent, but the government had not responded.
For California’s GHOST TOWN, SB 100 Clean Energy Legislation Would Be Breath of Fresh Air
It’s time for California to correct years of environmental injustice.
Are Houston Floods Increasing Pollution From Oil Refineries and Superfund Sites? (VIDEO)
@HighTechAztec dropping knowledge.
Coachella’s Ugly Legacy: Lack of Clean Water for Mexican and Mexican American Communities
In the land of music festivals and gold courses, access to water is scarce for some.
Why Ecocide Should Become an International Crime
We must be Gaia’s voice—the voice of the Earth.
Why Are Latinos Being Left Out of California’s Clean Energy Revolution?
“Our community is fighting a plan to build yet another dirty gas-fired power plant on our coast.”
Ecuador’s Struggle for Environmental Rights (PODCAST)
Latino Rebels Radio: February 4, 2017
In the Age of Trump, New RISE Docuseries Chronicles Indigenous Resistance Movements
Fighting against environmental racism, maintaining sovereignty, the byproducts of corporate development and Big Oil, and the lingering psychological traumas of colonialism.
Why Were More Than 60 People Arrested in Puerto Rico for Protesting the Depositing of Coal Ash?
“We expect more protestors, including a coalition of women who will be joining the manifestations in solidarity with Peñuelas.”
Environmental Disaster Waiting to Explode in Puerto Rico
On the island of Puerto Rico, 20 out of the 27 landfills are considered illegal dumps violating required federal regulations.
Rostros del arte kichwa: Ariruma Kowii y su poesía para construir el futuro
“Para mí, el referente principal es la realidad de mi pueblo, de mi entorno.”
Rostros del arte kichwa: Eriberto Gualinga y sus documentales de la selva
Nos tildan de un pueblo problemático, un pueblo peligroso. Quería mostrar la otra cara de mi pueblo: un pueblo pacífico que reclama derechos.
Bernie Sanders Rally in Puerto Rico (VIDEO)
“The people of the United States cannot continue a colonial-type relationship with the people of Puerto Rico.”
Hillary Rodham Trump
Why some people on the left will never vote for the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Administración García Padilla y EPA acuerdan enmendar contrato de AES tras bastidores
Abrió las puertas para que se dispongan millones de toneladas de desperdicios tóxicos en vertederos de la isla y allanó el camino para que AES se economice millones de dólares.
How Hillary’s Honduras Policy Killed Berta Cáceres (VIDEO)
When a military coup removed the president of Honduras in 2009, Sec. Clinton was forced to choose between democracy and business interests. You already know which she chose.
Prometieron empleos… y trajeron cenizas
Sobre dos millones de toneladas de cenizas tóxicas descartadas por la planta de generación eléctrica AES en Guayama fueron convertidas en relleno para nuevas urbanizaciones y vías.